3 ~ Firdun

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    "Ah, Firdun Ron, what a pleasure to run into you."

    "Chancellor Kolos," he said in a flat voice. Firdun kept his face impassive as he shook the young politician's hand.

    "Here for the Senate meeting later, I presume." The dark haired man smiled in a charming way.

    "Yes, I am."

    "I have been keeping an eye out for you actually. There's a matter I wish to speak to you about," he said.

     "I have some time now. Tell me what you have to say." Firdun crossed his arms, waiting.

    "Not here." The younger man glanced around the lobby of the Karvaile government building, where the Senate convened. People milled about back and forth. "We'll go to another room, somewhere more private. Curious ears."

    "If you insist," Firdun said. He was, after all, former chancellor. Perhaps Kolos, new to the job, simply needed advice from him. "Surely there's nothing you have to tell me that is so dangerous it can't be overhead," Firdun said calmly, his eyebrow raised. Kolos chuckled.

    "Come now, you know the world of politics. We like our secrets."

    Firdun hesitated. There was a glint in his eye that the elder man did not like as he said those words. He kept telling himself he was simply being paranoid about Kolos. He had no real reason for disliking him, other than the new Chancellor's apparent disapproval of the way Flora ran things. Firdun glanced over to see a familiar face wandering towards him. Queen Flora herself. Kolos hurriedly fell silent and stepped back, almost imperceptibly. But Firdun saw. Whatever he had to say, he didn't want Flora involved, and that was enough to spark his suspicion.

   "Oh, Firdun, there you are," Flora said. She looked as regal as ever, hair swept in some stylish updo, and an elegant dress in the Karvaile colors of red and gold with a full skirt, swishing as she walked. Perhaps only because he knew the young woman so well, but Firdun was sure he could sense the undercurrent of tension behind the smiling face of Flora Karvaren. That was to be expected. Her reign had not gone as smoothly as could've been hoped. The stunt Krefat had pulled was just the beginning.

    A glance around the room looked simply like a lot of politicians wandering about. But anyone who knew what they were looking for could see. The Karven senators and the Karved senators were split into their separate groups. An unspoken air of division was hovering in the room.

    "Yes, I am here. Though, Chancellor Kolos here had something he wanted to discuss with me." Firdun turned to look at him.

    "Oh, nothing of importance," he said, laughing it off. "My, how lovely you're looking this evening, your majesty," he said, a sudden change in topics. He cut in front of Firdun, bowing to Flora.

    "Thank you, Chancellor." Flora looked slightly put off by the compliment, despite her smile. Or maybe Firdun was imagining it... I'm becoming one of those former soldier type men who're distrusting of everyone, seeing things that aren't there. Then again, it wasn't exactly crazy that Flora would not be a hundred percent pleased by a compliment from an opponent, especially when she was in a relationship with someone else.

    Firdun had had many misgivings about Flora's relationship with the Mirialan man whose sister she had helped. Someone whose life was so public had to be careful what she did, after all. But she went along with it anyways. It had worked out in the end after all, they were both happy, and no scandals had occurred. So far.

    "Well, I must be going,  Flora said. "I'm expected soon." The monarch rarely interfered in the workings of the senate, as showing bias was dangerous, but they would precede over meetings often. Flora had taken a bold step, declaring her desire to join the Republic. It might have been successful, had Kolos's fierce campaign against it not started. Flora bustled off, leaving Firdun alone with Kolos again.

    "Now, to our discussion?" the Chancellor said.

    "I thought you said it wasn't anything of importance." Kolos chose to ignore Firdun's remark, and instead led him into a small private side room.

    "You wish for Karvaile to remain independent, correct?" he asked. Kolos began to pace the room, hands behind his back.

    "In the past, Karvaile has done well by keeping out of galactic affairs." Firdun chose his words carefully. He believed Karvaile should work out its own internal problems before being involved with the rest of the galaxy, that much was true. But at the moment, Karvaile's problems were whether or not to get involed in the galaxy.

    Staying stagnant wouldn't solve anything, that was what Flora kept saying. She told Firdun that as soon as they worked out every struggle, new ones would surface, so there was no point in waiting around for them to be perfect before they joined the Republic, because they couldn't ever be perfect. She did have a point, he had to admit. But Firdun still didn't like the idea of them having to worry about everyone else. Karvaile had enough to deal with being independent. Sure, the Republic would help them out, but the exchange had to go both ways. If they joined, there would be a price.

    "You have a lot of influence on Karvaile," Kolos said. "Captain of the Guard, Chancellor of Karven, Advisor to the Queen. A lot of people respect you. The Queen listens to you."

    "What is your point?"

    "My point is, you could be a powerful ally. We have the same motives, after all. We don't want the Republic."

    "Our Queen does. How do you plan to change that?" Firdun asked.

    "Well, I'll attempt to... persuade her, of course. If she can't be convinced that joining the Republic would be a terrible mistake, I'll find other means. Hopefully, I'll simply be able to convince her. Which would be much, much easier if I had you on my side. Just a gentle nudge in the right direction from you, a trusted friend. Advising her is your job, after all."

    "You want me to use Flora's trust in me to sway her to your agenda?" Kolos laughed again, but there was no humor in it.

    "No, you'll simply be doing your job, advising her. You wish for Karvaile to stay out of the rest of the galaxy, you just need to make sure she agrees."

    "I...." Firdun would have no part in the scheming and lies. But... Kolos could potentially be a dangerous enemy to have, with all the power he now possessed. Perhaps, someone must be there to monitor him, keep Flora updated on what he was up to.

    "Well?" he probed, eyes glinting again.

    "You make a good point. I will consider your offer."

    "So be it. We'll see if you come around. Contact me when you decide, I'm sure you'll come to see my point of view soon." He swept out of the room. Firdun followed him out. He had already melted into the crowd of senators that were gathered, filtering into the senate chamber. Firdun followed the people inside. He was supposed to be with Flora in the place where the monarch sits and presides, and he had a feeling that wherever Flora was, Kolos would be there too. His talk about "persuading" Flora was not likely to be empty words. Firdun would be keeping a close watch on him. All he needed was Flora's permission, and he would accept Kolos' offer.

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