Chapter 1: Arrival

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Title: Absolutely Nothing

Author: Ash_Snowflakes (Ash-Snowflakes)

Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke

Rating: PG-13+

Pairing: Akashi Seijuro x OC (Mikami Yukiko)

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own this awesome anime/manga, sadly. That right is reserved for Tadatoshi Fujimaki.

On with the fanfic!

I stretched my arms above my head. Being on a plane for 8 hours really does something to you. But, it's good to be in Japan.

My name is Mikami Yukiko. My friends just call me Yuki. My actual last name is Anderson because I'm half American from my father's side but I decided to use my Japanese mothers maiden name, my father and I don't get along too well. I was born in Japan but my family decided to move to the US because there were more job options so I grew up there but we visited Japan from time to time. I'm around 5 ft 1", I know, pretty short for a 16 yr old girl but what can you do? I have waist length auburn hair which I braid. I'm a relatively shy person. I play the cello and do tennis and I also started to play basketball, but I'm better at observing than actually being on the court.

Let's see...what else...Oh!

My best friend is half British and half American. She's 16 too and she decided to come with me to Japan because she apparently got bored of the scenery in America not to mention she learned the Japanese language. Her name is Arianna Sanders, she's the laid back kind, you know the ones who don't care about grades or school and just want to have fun but she loves sport and music. She also loves her food more specifically, junk food. It's amazing how she can stuff her face with so much, I swear, her mouth is like a black hole. Ari is around 5 ft 4" and she has shoulder length mocha hair which is always tied up, she also has these rare green eyes. She knows how to play the piano and the violin and is really good at sports, especially basketball which is why I ended up spending my afternoon with her at some street ball courts.

The two of us are in Tokyo today, we're supposed to be in Kyoto in two days but we decided to come here first to sightsee. We booked a hotel room for the time being and walked around town.

Ari and I were at the street ball courts at around 4pm. We were only practicing our shooting because neither of us wanted to run. We had free time because school started next week. Anyways, Ari was going for a three-pointer when we heard a loud yell and a cry for help. It came from down the street near the park.

I looked at her and she just nodded, we grabbed our stuff and ran to the direction of the noise. At the time, neither of us had a plan, we just wanted to help. We arrived in time to see a big, tall muscled guy with a weird haircut punch the shorter man, or boy by the looks of it. There was a little girl who couldn't be more than 7 yrs old crying when another thug slapped her to try to shut her up. The little girl screamed again and the second thug raised his hand to hit her again.

His hand stopped short. I didn't even notice Ari move. She was now holding the second thug's fat wrist stopping him from hurting the girl.

"Go pick on someone your own size, bastard" she spat in perfect Japanese, then she viciously twisted the thug's wrist and kneed him in the stomach before spinning around into a left hook effectively disarming him.

I guess also I forgot to mention that Ari's also good at fighting, not the martial arts kind, the dirty street fighting, I suppose the fact that she used to take karate lessons helped too.

I rushed forward and took the girl into my arms, she hugged me and sobbed a little. I saw the guy with the weird haircut stop kicking the boy and starting to walk towards me.

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