Chapter 5

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Krishanas' POV

I stared at Ashley in a mixture of amazement and horror. Did he really think he could keep me here against my will? That would be illegal. My blood started to boil as my anger rose to full on fury.

"Get the FUCK out of my way, Ashley Purdy!" I shouted. He didn't budge. I took another step towards him and the door. Ashley took a step toward me and placed his hands on my shoulder.

"You can't go back there, Krishana! He's an asshole!" he said. I shook his hands off of my shoulders and screamed, "You do NOT talk about my FATHER like that!" I raised my hand, about to slap him across the face. I swung my hand at him, but he caught my wrist.

"Now, now. That's not nice. Now you just listen to me-" Ashley began but I cut him off, "No! You listen to me! You can't just take me away from my home and father! Did it ever cross your mind that I might love my father even if he's aweful sometimes? Well, I do! He is the only family I have left! You can't keep me here!" My voice broke and tears started running down my cheeks.

Ashley stared at me for a minute. Then he stepped out of my way and said, "Fine. You win. Go back to that asshole. And don't come running back here when he kicks your ass." He opened the door for me and I walked out. As I did I heard him mutter under his breath, "Dumb ass."

I walked away. What I said was true. I really did love my dad. He may be the biggest jerk in the world, but he's all I have left. Times like this I wish I still had my sister by my side. Clair would know what to do.

Soon enough I reached my house. I twisted the doornob. It didn't budge. Shit. On to plan B. Walking around to the back fence, I started to run really fast. When I was about to go splat against the fence, I jumped and grabbed the top of the fence with my hands and vaulted over the top. I hit the ground and rolled, coming up on my feet. Those years of parkour training paid off.

I looked up at the tree. It went right up to my bedroom window. The tree had been there even before I was born. Whenever I would sneak out, climbing that tree was my first and only choice. Now I would use it to sneak in. Ah, the irony.

The lowest branch was about seven feet in the air so I took a running leap and grabbed that branch and swung up into the tree. Another point for parkour. Quickly, I climbed up to my window. My window was always open, so I just climbed through it.

I walked out of my room and into the hall. I jumped a mile when my cat, Aphrodite, screeched and ran past me down the stairs. Shaking my head, I followed her.

"Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in - literally." I jumped at the sound of my fathers voice. It was gravely and deep and slurred. He was drunk. Again. Nothing new here. I turned to face him.

"Sorry - " He cut off my apology. "Sorry ain't gonna' cut it, darlin'. You ain't coming back here again. I'm tired of seeing your skinny ass around this house, you lazy bum!" He's calling ME lazy? I'm the one who dropped out of school and got a job just to pay the bills!

I exploded, "You want to talk about lazy? Okay! Do you even know that I dropped out of school and got a job? Huh? I pay the bills! And you? You just get drunk and sleep all the time!"

Suddenly I was backhanded across my face. But it wasn't my father. His friend had just showed up. "Don't talk to your father like that, bitch. Hey, Robert, how's about we have some fun with her? Before you kill her anyway." I stared at my father is shock. Kill me? Slowly, I started to back up towards the door. My dad and his friend, James, chuckled darkly at the same time. It was enough to make my blood run cold.

I whirled around and raced for the door. Unlocking it, I threw it open and sprinted out of the house and down the street. I didn't get far before I was tackled from behind. Hitting the ground hard, the breath was knocked out of me.

"You ain't goin' anywhere, little miss," James laughed evily in my ear. I whimpered in fear because I knew that I had no one to save me this time. I was as good as dead.

Ashleys' POV

I watched Krishana as she walked away. What a dumb ass. Couldn't she see that I was only trying to protect her? And how could she still love that son of a bitch she calls her father? I sighed.

"Dude, you're just gonna' let her go like that? YOU'RE the dumb ass, bro," said Jake. I flipped him the bird and said, "Fuck off, Jake. She wanted to go home. That was her choice. Now she's gotta' live with it." But inside, I was cussing myself out. How could I let her go back to that abusive jerk? Krishana and I were both idiots.

"Okay, dude. Chill out!" Jake said, his hands up in defence. I sighed in defeat. Jake was right. I needed to chill. I decided to go for a walk to cool off.

As I walked out of the tour bus I heard someone following me. It was Andy.

"Before you say anything, Ash, know that I'm coming with you. Yeah, I knew it. Don't argue. You're going to check on Krishana," Andy said. Damn the motherfucking mind reader. I just shook my head and walked in the direction of Krishanas' house.

Krishanas' POV

I cried out loudly as James ripped my shirt off. We were back in my house and in the bed room. Dad told James that he could have me first. Meaning rape me.

"Please! Stop! Please - " he cut me off by backhanding me.

"Shut up, bitch! I'm gonna' enjoy this!" He snarled. I cried even harder. He yanked my pants off and took off his, too. The tears were coming even faster now. I started hitting him every where I could reach.

He grabbed my wrists and used his belt to tie them to the bed post. "Now, now. None of that," He said.

I was helpless now. And I had no one to save me. And it was totally my fault. I should have listened to Ashley. These were my last thoughts before James stole my virginity.

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