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"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Arran calls. Little does he know I'm already awake. I've been awake for hours now. I've always been a morning person. I've been sitting on the balcony, thinking about Nathan. Thinking about my father. My father. I have a father, a powerful father who changed the world.

I walk out of my bedroom and meet Arran at the foot of the stairs. "Happy birthday, nephew. Are you ready to go? We'll have breakfast once we get there, if you need," he says.

"There's no need," I reply. I've been far too nervous to eat. Arran shrugs and leads me back to the room where he so unceremoniously bursted into. 

"This is called a cut. It's what witches use to go from place to place," Arran says, sliding his arm in and out of a space in the air. "Come on. It doesn't hurt," he says. I walk over to him tentatively and touch the cut. The pull of the cut is very strong, and I pull back my hand so as to not fall in. Arran then disappears into the cut. I close my eyes and fall into the cut as well.

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