Chapter 21

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I am SOOOOOOOOOO Happy all my greats fans are reading! My do I feel loved!! I feel like crap though for never updating... You see, I blame Harry Potter and One Direction... Mainly Harry Potter. I've been reading Harry Potter Fanfics, starting to get out of the Twilight faze. I still love Twilight, but it stole my favorite HP character.. which pisses me off.. But im back.

I hated the Breaking Dawn movie... What is your oppions of it? I cryed 5 times.... Me and three other people in the theator all screamed NO!!! NOT JASPER! in Alice's vision.


After a... fun bath with Edward (wink wink) Alice brought me in some dinner Esme picked up for me (subs! yum!) and then we decided to go explore around the hotel. So here was Edward, Rose, Jazz, Em, and ,me go around the hotel randomly, with Alice on Jazz's back as a piggy back. It was kind of distirbing to on-lookers with Alice kissing his neck and all and whispering in his ear. I've gotta admit it was kinda dicturbing but when you grow up with multiple couples of lovey dovey vampires you get used to it... Except Rose and Em's nights..... *shudder*

Anywho, Emmett and I were trying to figure out all these wierd pictures on the walls with sensors and they talked.... and these crystal things in glass boxes. We got to a room filled with just the pictures.

"Magiquest?" Jasper read while looking on the side of the wall.

"That building thing when we came up the drive? It was that blue building right next door." Edward said

"Whoa Whoa Magi? as Magic?" Emmett said grinning.

"Yes Em, magic" Rosalie said rolling her eyes

"We're checking it out!!" Emmett screamed causing two young girls with wands to run down the hall and away from us.

"Emmett!" Rose said slapping him acrose the back of his head.

We all walked, well Em ran, down the hall to where you could get in the magiquest which was attacked the hotel. Long story short Em dragged us into each getting a wand with our partner and then running around this place for like 4 hours playing with them and completing quests. It was pretty cool though. We all met with Carlisle and Esme at 10 and sat in there room.

Edward looked to Jasper and nodded. "I say some of us go hunting. It's a new place, new game. And a lot of people in this hotel. It'll be harder tomorrow if we go swimming." Jasper said looking around.

"I'll stay with Bella?" Alice said smiling. "There is so many new sites we need to see!" she smiled and started bouncing in her seat.

"Okay. So then everyone else besides Bella and Alice are going?" Carlisle asked. Everyone nodded. " Esme and I are going closer to the Illinois border."

"Oh Whatcha gonna do there?" Emmett said wiggling his eyebrows.

Rose slapped him, " Em they got married in Milwakee leave them be!"

Emmett grumbled something about her abusing him and shut up about it.

"We'll be going closer to Canada. Better game up north." Edward said.

"BEARS!!!!" Yelled Emmett fist pumping.

"Yes bears Em.." Rose said rolling her eyes. They all soon left. Alice ended up dragging me to almost 10 different stores around the town and then I got a text from An that her and David were at the hotel.

We went back and I told her Edward and mine's room number. Not a minute after I texted her the door was swung open and An squealed and hugged me. I hugged her back, " Don't you knock? Ever?" I asked joking.

"Nope!" I gave her a weird look.

"What if Edward was in here changing?" I asked her.

"Then I get a early birthday present!" She said winking. 

"HEY! That's my boyfriend get your own," I yelled.

 "I have one, but we can share both?" She suggested.

" Why am I friends with you?" I asked looking at her weirdly.

"Because you loveeeeeeee meeee!" She giggled and sat on the bed in the room.

"Speaking of Eddy, where is he?" An looked around as if he were hiding.

"Uh..." I tried thinking of an excuse but couldn't... Damn my lying skills...

"He's hunting isn't he?" She asked smiling.

"H-how do you know that?!?!?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2012 ⏰

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