The Last Day of Summer

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Summer, the time of year where you can go swimming, and stay up, sleep in, and party with your friends. Oh! I almost forgot NO SCHOOL!

At the beginning of the summer I thought it was going to be a better summer than before, but then reality steps in.
All I did this summer is, went to Florida, and I also slept in and stayed up till 3 AM every night. Then I also would hang out with my friends every once in a while.

Cody is the person that I usually would hang out with. He is a very good and special friend of mine. By special I mean Cody is deaf. I meet him in the 1st grade, he was in the corner eating a PB & J sandwich and I felt bad for him sitting alone. At first it was hard for us to talk but then I asked my mom to get me into ASL classes. So after a few years of the classes I became fluent in ASL.

Today was the last day of summer and my and Cody are in my room just on our phones looking at Instagram.

"So how do you feel about senior year?" Cody signed with his eyebrows up.
"It's just another school year." I signed back with a shrug of my shoulders.

I look away from him and back to my phone. When I look back up Cody had this face like he was concerned, but I decided to let it go and go back to what I was doing.
I was looking at this picture of this pug when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look over and see Cody looking straight at me. 

"Have you gotten your senior shirt yet?" He looked at me with his eyes wide and his eyebrows up.
I look at him and then look back down at my hands. I totally forgot about the shirts, I need to get one because for the first year ever they are actually cool. The are black shirts with the word "SENIORS" in tie die lettering.

I felt another tap on my shoulder and it looked back up at Cody. He was looking at me waiting for am answer.

"No I did not." I signed
"Okay then we can just get yours tomorrow." He signed back with a smile.

One of the things I love about Cody is that he always reminds me of things and keeps me on track.

"I think I should get going and get ready for school tomorrow." Cody signed then got up and grabbed his backpack before facing back toward me.
"Okay see you tomorrow." I signed back before he exited the room.

Once Cody left I was left Alone with just my mind to keep me company. Sometimes that gets me into trouble.
My mind started to go to what I have done this summer and how I have not really done that much for the last two months.

This was my last day of my last summer in high school. Next year I will be out of high school and, I will be the real world. I should do something I will never forget, but what can I do with only about 6 hours of the day

The only thing that came to mind was to read or to watch tv. Yes I know that my life is boring. I go over to my book shelf and look for a book to read. All the books I really have are the books I had to get for my classes. Then in the back of the self there was this love story that I have read a million times, but it is my favorite book.

I bring the book back to my bed and plop on down and start reading the book. After a few minutes of reading I hear this tapping. I tried to ignore it but it just got louder and harder to ignore. So I got up and walked over to my window no opened the curtain.

There sitting in the window seal is a woodpecker tapping its beak against the window. I then open my window and the woodpecker flew away.

I went back to my bed and continued to read my book. ONE, TWO, and almost THREE hours had gone by before my mom had called e down to dinner.

I walk down the stairs and my dad is already sitting down eating his food while my mom was waiting for me to get mine before she ate. All through out dinner no one really talked there where just distance stairs. After dinner I helped my mom with dishes and went upstairs.

I had to get ready for tomorrow and I had a lot to do.

Thanks guys for reading my story and tell me what you think.

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