Chapter 3 - The Green Eyed Demon

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Authors Note:
The picture is what I generally want Erens mask to look like 😊 just imagine his hair longer and there you go.
(1 year earlier)
Erens POV

I met this old man by the name of Juzo who owned this dojo out in the forest, it wasn't known about probably because the man is like an assassin or something. I told him my story and who I had to kill, he understood surprisingly and was willing to train me for the road ahead. He trained me day and night non stop, I've never felt soreness like this in my entire life, not even when I trained with Annie but then again it was only for a few hours. This type of training is like 24 hours non stop, how hard I pushed myself is described with me coughing out blood and it dripping out of my nose. Even then I still continued to go all out, the man was cold hearted as hell thats all I had to say but he never stopped pushing me. It's like he saw great potential in me, I stayed with him for most of the year. We practiced things from martial arts to par-core to even my speed and enhancing that to literal inhuman speeds. After a lot of training for months on end I became way more tone and stronger then I ever was. It was a little while later when he wanted me to try using a sword. We sat in his dojo and he handed me one of his katanas.
"Just slice and dice right?"
"It's not as easy as that Mr.Jaeger, you have to use two very important senses to fully optimize the technique of a sword."
"Those are?"
"Sight and Sound."
"Elaborate if you don't mind."
"You hear much faster then you could see something, if you're gonna be able to cut a bullet in half then you're gonna need to optimize those senses."
"Woah who said I was gonna be able to slice a bullet in half? I'm used to using these."
I say showing Juzo my revolver, he shakes his head in disappointment.
"Anyone can fire a gun, only certain people can use a sword. Come, I'll show you."
He gets up and signals me into a room where there's at least a hundred swords, I saw one that caught my eye. It had a black blade with a black and white handle, he noticed what I had my sight on.
"So you've picked Shinwa hmm, it looks like it'd suite you. Here take it."
He hand it to me, I thank him and we walk back into the main dojo. Then he shows me the way to use a sword, he doesn't like my stance or even the way I use it. He says and I quote "You're extremely sloppy." To which I reply with thanks pops but he continues to show me the general fundamentals. Then the time to cut a bullet comes into play, to start it off he tells me to grab my revolver and...shot him...
"Okay, no I don't want to kill you."
"Trust me, these old arms could slice you through and thin. I can cut a bullet no problem."
I don't think it's a good idea but I go through with it anyways. I grab my revolver and aim it at his chest, I clock it and pull the trigger and instantly he cuts the bullet in half. I look at the bullet casing on the floor in amazement.
"Wow....guess you proved me wrong."
"Yup, now it's your turn."
"You honestly think I could do this first try?"
"Nope but I wanna be amused and besides we're just gonna use a BB Gun for you to start out."
I take my stance and go a good distance away from Juzo, he aims the gun and shoots. I aimlessly try slicing but the pellet hits me in the chest and it stings. We continue this for 2 hours until he tells me to stop and try again the next day, according to him I'm not using my senses to the best of my abilities. That night I don't go to sleep, instead I stay in the dojo and practice with the sword. I know I can do this with time if I just listen to the things around me and see what the normal human eye can't then I can accomplish this. After a hour or two I take a break and sit on the porch outside and listen to crickets and wind blow through the night. I stay out here for the rest of the night just proceeding to listen, that's until I didn't even notice it was morning and Juzo has been watching me for a while. He sits beside me and talks to me about my past.
"So you want to kill this man because if you don't he's gonna harm your friends right?"
"Who is if that's worth this much to you Eren?"
"Her names Mikasa, I love her to death and this man almost killed her in front of me. I can't let the possibility of that happen again."
"A man who has nothing left to lose is scary, but a man who has something to protect is dangerous. You're gonna stop this man I can feel it."
"Your determination has an aura."
He says with a smile, I look down at the wooden floor and think about Mikasa. I wonder how she's doing right now, I hope she's okay. He helps me up and we go back into the dojo to train more on the swordsmanship. After two whole days of nothing but working with a sword I finally cut a pellet in half. After a week it became natural to me, then in two week we stepped up to a actual bullet. I cut that in half no problem, the look on Juzo's face showed nothing but proudness. After that I practiced day and night on cutting the bullets in half, I never missed one. We practiced using a fully automatic weapon and that's when it got tricky, I could no longer stand in one place. Juzo always said my speed is what kept me ahead of the game and my evasion skills, I never missed a bullet but it got extremely hard. I swung the sword like how an ROTC person twirls the fake guns, I was extremely quick with it. When he emptied the clip I moved lightning fast with the blade at his neck. That's when we both knew I had finally understood how to fully use Sound and Sight. I swear the amount of flips I'm capable of doing is impeccable, but I couldn't stop training because the minute I slowed down is the minute I get weak. After another month of training I finally decided to start the war against the Eldians, Juzo gave me one of his old outfits and it looked pretty badass if I don't say so myself.

 After another month of training I finally decided to start the war against the Eldians, Juzo gave me one of his old outfits and it looked pretty badass if I don't say so myself

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(Yessss The general outfit that Eren will wear is this 😊 with the mask. I love this look sooooo much so I wanted to incorporate it with my book. It's from Tokyo Ghoul btw)

When I was about to leave, Juzo gave me his old motorcycle that he had way back. It was an old Harley Davidson and like the outift it was badass, I'm starting to think he cared more about me then he leads on. I packed my duffle bag with my revolver and sword and all my clothes, then walk out of the dojo to see my mentor standing before me. He has his hand out and I shake it firmly.
"When this is all over come back sometime okay?"
"Definitely, thank you for training me like no one else did. I've learned so much fighting wise from you and I couldn't repay you for that."
He nods his head and I go on the motorcycle and head off to the city, I'm a bit rusty on a motorcycle considering I used to ride dirt bikes it's not as easy as I remembered. But I enter a well populated part of town and stop by a mask store. If I'm gonna start this i gotta be incognito, I enter the store and talk to the manager about having a custom made face mask just covering about my mouth. He ask what designs I would like and I tell him teeth on the cheeks and front part of the mask. It takes a few hours but I've learned how to patiently wait, when he comes out he gives me the mask and I thank him and pay the tab completely. I rent a hotel room and stay there for the night until I hear something going on outside, there's a lot of loud banging and glass breaking and it's in a bank down the road. Guess I should handle it and besides this will be a good chance to see what I'm finally capable of. I put on the entire jet black outfit with my sword and pistol equipped then put on the mask and look in the mirror. I've changed...I guess I am a demon like Levi said way back. The only thing I can do now is embrace this side of me.

I go outside and over to the bank, these idiots left the door open. I walk straight through and they all stare at me pissed off.
"Who's the creepy looking emo punk?"
"Who cares kill him already."
I pull my sword from my back and dodge and slice each bullet that came my way. In one hand I had my sword in the other I had my revolver, the fight ended a bit too quickly before I realized it I killed them all no problem. But I noticed that a camera has been watching me this whole time, I shoot it down. Then leave the scene before the cops could get here, looks like this is a lot more easier then anticipated.

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