Chapter 4 - Been A While

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Levi's POV

After Mikasa graduated high school I decided to teach at her university, I've had all the proper education to do so earlier but I stayed back to watch Mikasa in high school. So now Ima keep an eye on her in this university, the kids are just as dumb as they are in high school. Things have changed the past years like how Me and Hange are "seeing each other", after the whole eye incident I promised her I'd protect her and that's when we actually saw each other as something more then friends. I still make fun of her as much as I did before but this is all still new to me in a way 'cause I haven't had a girlfriend in about 8 years...... anyways these morons still don't know simple math and it annoys me to death. Potato girls in my class again, I let her eat here and there because of our history but I made it apparent if I see any crumbs I'll take the food away from her. Zeke hasn't shown up any at all and I wonder if Erens disappearance has anything to do with it. From what I saw of him in those pictures he's definitely changed, his skills seem drastically increased and he uses a sword...when'd he learn that? Whatever the case may be I don't know if he's the same anymore.

When school ends for the day Sasha and Connie drop by my class and hang out for a minute. I tell them to stop bumming in my class but they don't listen and lay on my tables and do their work, our bickering continues on until I hear a knocking at the doorway of my class. I look up and see a ghost.
"'s been a while."
(5 minutes before entering Levi's class.)

Erens POV

I went to the high school originally and they said Levi transferred to this university, I came to it and parked my motorcycle and put my helmet in the handle. I was wearing a long sleeved black t-shirt with grey skinny jeans and black boots. Everyone is staring at me with curious eyes I even hear a few people talking.
"Who's the shady looking man dressed in black?"
"I don't know but he's cute."
I ignore it and go straight to the main office and ask for permission to see Levi. They tell me the room number and let me pass, I look all around the scenery and it looks like an amazing place. It's quite huge, I wonder if any of my old friends are here. It doesn't matter that's not my priority right now, I find the room number and look inside and see three old faces. I knock on the opened door with my own monotone face, I've seemed to master that now. Levi looks up and looks...happy...
"'s been a while."
Connie and Sasha look up from their work and see me, their faces glow up and they run across the room and both hug me tight. I just don't really show any emotion to it.
"Hey guys, I need to talk to Levi for a minute."
That kinda upset them and they grab their book bags and leave the room. I see Sasha pull out her phone quickly and type something fast, I hope it's not to Mikasa. The only ones that were left in the class were me and Levi, I cut to the chase immediately.
"I know it's been 2 years but I need any form of information on any eldian hide outs that you have."
"I have a few but I'm not sure if they're even there anymore."
"Anything will help, I've got no leads."
He writes out a few addresses on a slip of paper and handed it to me, he then starts talking on a personal level.
"So you've become quite popular around the world now."
"Yeah, I guess seeing someone with a sword is a rarity."
"You ever gonna come back?"
There's a bit of silence but I break it quickly.
"The fights not over, I feel like it just started."
"If it just started wouldn't you need some help?"
"I've been over this Levi, I'm on my own."
"Whatever you say but have you thought about when you're done with this...who will you have left if you keep pushing everyone away?"
I sit there and think for a good minute, I guess I'd be alone at the start and after it all. I ignore the question and continue on.
"Thank you Levi for the information, I'll see you around."
"You're not leaving like that, you at least got to see everyone."
"What's the point? I'd just be leaving directly after."
"You don't know how much some of these people care about you still. Me and Annie searched day and night for you on months end, you're their friend Eren. It's about time you except that."
I continue standing against the wall until Levi brings up dinner.
"There's a nice restaurant around the corner, we can have lunch there."
"I don't have anything to wear."
"Wear what you're wearing now, it'll be fine. I'll tell a few of our people to meet there."
"Levi...I don't know if I'm ready to see them again, I kinda blew away Sasha and Connie because... I don't know It's just not natural to come back after 2 years and act like nothing's wrong."
"I get it but they've been anticipating this for a while, just come to lunch. That's all."
I just nod my head and get the address for the restaurant, I leave the room and walk slowly to my motorcycle when I reach it I hear loud footsteps coming from behind me. I turn around slowly and see the same raven haired girl that I've been thinking about non stop. She stood there panting from how hard she's been running, she looks up into my eyes and her face turns from excitement to anger. She comes my way and tries throwing a bunch of punches at me, I dodge each of them until I just resist the urge to dodge them and just take it. She hits me across the face with what feels like everything she had, I stood there bleeding a little from my nose. I wipe it away and look back at Mikasa without any emotions on my face, she's starts crying uncontrollably.
I look down at the floor then grab my helmet and look at the broken girl one last time putting the helmet on and leaving the university.

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