Chapter 5 - 5 hours

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Chapter 5: 5 Hours

Sherlock pulled me aside once we had gone past Harry's room and brought his face close to mine.

“Maybe we should ask that nurse if she could tell us when Harry's getting out so we can help her, I may have ruined it with my family so I don't want to see you mess up yours. Anyway, how else is she going to get home?” he had made a good point.

I led Sherlock over to the front desk and we soon found the nurse who had been quite taken by Sherlock. He leaned over the desk and asked in that thick and deep as melted chocolate voice what time Harriet Watson would be released. The nurse seemed as captivated in those endless eyes which could change colour depending on the light they were in. “Actually the sleep should have sobered her up and she could be released now.” she said, leaning forward as Sherlock straightened up looking pleased with himself.

“Brilliant. Thank you.” I said what he wouldn't say himself. Maybe that was why he seemed irresistible to women, he was rude and left them hanging.

“We'll be waiting in the … er … waiting room.” Sherlock gave her a smirk and grabbed my arm, taking me over to the back of the waiting room. I certainly wouldn't have done this if he wasn't here. I would have left in a grump and felt guilty later for abandoning her when she needed me.

What felt like hours later the nurse came back with a worried look on her face and I woke up a little bit, my eyes felt so heavy with exhaustion from staying up all night the night before. She gave us a weak smile.

“The head doctor won't let her go yet because she is still a bit intoxicated from the medication but I will try and get her released as soon as possible. You're her brother, right?” she asked and I nodded.

“Thank you.” I said, hoping she would just leave so I could rest a little bit, all this talking was taking away more of my energy.

“How long is this going to take?” Sherlock asked. The nurse looked a little bit frantic.

“A couple of hours or so.” Sherlock nodded and then turned to me.

“Looks like we're either going to wait or come back?” he asked as the nurse came to terms with the rejection and left.


We had chosen to stay which was a stupid decision because I was bored out of my mind. John's empty little mind didn't mind the lack of activity for it let him rest and he eventually fell asleep. I stayed sat upright and attentive for all five hours of waiting which was tedious. I really wanted to go for a walk or to just get out of the stark, white hospital which was hurting my eyes with it's brightness. The not-so-helpful nurse came up to us with a confused frown set in her eyes as she looked at me with John asleep on my shoulder.

“Hi, sorry for the wait. Harriet should be released in an hour or so.” she gave me a sympathetic look,

“Please can you get me a cup of coffee. I'm gasping for one and I can't get up.” I pointed to John and she smiled. Happy to be a help when the hospital had gone through it's rush time and then emptied out, I can imagine how boring the night shift in a hospital was.

Half an hour later she came back with my coffee which was weak and bitter but I drank it, glad to have something to do. She kept on looking over at us from her post at the front desk. She reminded me of Molly Hooper with her desperate tendencies but all round happiness. John shifted slightly and I thought he had woken up but he only wrapped his arm around mine I froze, looking out of the corner of my eye at him. And he wondered why people thought we were a couple.

As expected Harry was released soon after I had finished my coffee and she hobbled over to us, on her crutches which clicked against the laminate flooring. A bright smile spread over her face when she spotted us and it turned into a adoring face at John asleep on my shoulder with his arms wrapped around mine. I glared at her, she was very different from before when she had just been outright nasty.

“I knew you two were a couple.” I rolled my eyes.

“We need to leave but he hasn't woken up. What should we do?” she smirked and lifted a crutch, poking John in the ribs with it. He jumped a mile and sat up with a start.

“What? What!” John almost yelled in panic. He looked around and quickly brought his arms from being tucked around mine. I gave him a small smile which he returned and then he blearily blinked away he sleepiness and looked over at Harry. His eyes flew open as he took in the hospital. “How long have I been asleep?” he asked, sounding worried.

“5 hours.” I said in a dead pan voice. I was so bored that I would run out the door if we didn't get going soon. John looked over at me in amazement.

“I've been asleep for 5 hours and you sat there for the whole time.” I nodded slowly, of course I did. He smiled at me, as if seeing me in a new light. “I didn't think you had it in you to be so bored but stay still.” I smirked at him, knowing the inside joke of Mr Smiley and that the hospital goers wouldn't have appreciated it if I had a gun on my person.

“Come on you two.” Harry encouraged, getting bored herself and she had been stood there for 10 minutes. She had no idea. John took her bag and I assisted her down the steps by bending down and putting her arm over my shoulders so I could half carry her to the taxi John hailed.

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