Chapter 12 - Tiptoes

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Chapter 12 – On His Tiptoes

(A/N: It's the final chapter! Thank God I got this out of the way. It's all fluff, just fluff fluff fluffy fluff. Stay tuned for Destiel One shots and maybe some other stuff. I'll be back. Peace out ombres!)

“Morning.” Harry called from where she was sat on the sofa as I emerged from my room the next day. John was sat next to her and he grinned knowingly at me. “We were just talking about this Milla Branston case.” and then added as an after thought “Oh and if you use my brother as bait again there is no corner of Earth you could consider safe.” she gave me a sweet smile to emphasise her threat. I nodded, just about holding it together. I knew that it wouldn't have been very nice to laugh at her when she was trying to be menacing.

“Her famous last words 'One last act'. That's going to be the name of the case when I write it up later.”

“Okay, well, now that I have all the gossip I better get going.” I remained in the kitchen until I heard John come back into the flat.

“She's gone.” I came out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee, pretending that I hadn't been ignoring Harry. “I didn't say anything about Milla's real last words” I nodded, trying to make it look like that wasn't the reason I had been avoiding Harry. I was sure she was the sort of person who would tease us about this.

“John, I have a confession to make.” John paused, looking slightly alarmed at my choice of words. “We weren't her motivation, well we were but not her main motivation.” I took a deep breath “Milla Branston wasn't her real name. She was really called Sabrina Moran. She, erm, had romantic relations with Moriarty. In fact, he was the 'best friend' she was talking about.” John nodded slowly.

“She was a threat to the nation then? Moriarty wouldn't have left her vulnerable. She would have be trained. I think she wanted to be killed. I think that was her motivation then. Now she's in heaven or hell with Moriarty.” I narrowed my eyes, surprised that John was taking this so well.

“I was a little bit worried that you would be angry with me because I may have sent you on a date with a trained assassin.” John smiled and walked over to me, taking the cup from my hand and putting down on the dining table which we had cleared since the cigarettes situation. He reached up and cupped my face in his hands, going on his tiptoes to close the distance between their faces as John whispered,

“I couldn't stay mad at you anyway.” before pressing his lips to mine. For a split second I froze, unsure how to respond until human nature took over allowing me to kiss him back. The kiss was short, sweet and not enough.

Sherlock already missed the warmth of John's lips and so wrapped his arms around his waist pulling him up into a long, passionate kiss which told John more than three words could. John was sat on the dining table breathless and speechless because when he sat on the dining table there was no height difference. If there was any doubt before then there wasn't anymore.

“I'm glad we met Sabrina Moran because without her then this wouldn't have happened and I've never been this happy.” John breathed.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed this and I know it's short but I did give you a Johnlock kiss. Bye.)

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