Why me?

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Mackenzie's POV

"Kenzie!" My mom shook me while I was sleeping. "It's time to get up or else you are going to be late for school again."

"Do I have to go to school today?" I replied with my eyes closed still.

"Yes, you do." She said.

"Ugh fine." I said while getting out of bed. "You're dropping me to school right?"

"Yes, I am."

"Okay, I'll be down in a few." I said while walking to my personal bathroom.

Well, you see, I am Mackenzie Miller and I would say I'm quite rich. You know since my dad is a professional basketball player and mom is a model. Yes, I'm the only child here in the Miller family and I absolutely hate it. It gets lonely here since mom and dad isn't home that often. Anyways yeah. Back to the story.

I took a quick shower and got dress for school. I really didn't care how I looked so I just put on a white short sleeved lace dress and black TOMS along with my red sweater and black beanie. I went back into my bathroom brushed my teeth and did my hair and also did my makeup light since that's the way I liked it. Looking at myself in the mirror while sighing, I went downstairs with my IPhone 5 and school bag.

"Mom?" I yelled for her. "I'm ready!"

"Okay." She replied while coming out of the kitchen. "Let's go."


The drive to school didn't really take long so within 15 minutes we pulled up to school.

"Have a good day at school baby." My mom said while kissing my cheek.

"Mooooom." I whined. "Stop that."

"Okay, okay. Sorry. I'll pick you up after school yeah?"

"Yes, Ma'am." I said while stepping out of the car. "See you later Mommy. Love you."

"Love you too." She said before driving off.

I walked into the building with my head down as people started laughing at me. I don't get why they laugh at me, I'm not ugly or fat, but they still do. Anyways I kept my head down and walked to my 1st period which was history.

I would say history isn't the best subject for me, but I still get the highest grade in the class. Anyways I walked into my History class, greeted the teacher, and sat at my original seat which was in the front row of the class. As I took out my materials I needed for this class, the bell rang indicating that it's time for 1st period.

In matter of seconds the room gets filled up by students as the teacher started calling row.

"As you hear your name being called, say present and assume to whatever you were doing, but be quiet." Mr. Cahill said. "Kierra Anglen?"

"Present." She replied.

"Brianna Blas?"


"Jacob Borman?"


-and with that I kind of zoned out.

"Mackenzie Miller?"



"What? Who? When?" I said without paying attention.

"I'm taking row." Mr. Cahill said.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I said getting embarrassed. "Present."

"Martin Norton?" He continued.


"Brent Searl?"

"Present sir."

"And Marcus Zigler?"

"Here teach."

"Okay class, I want you guys to- rinnnnnng- um hold that thought." He said while picking up the phone.

"Yes, she's here. Send her up now? Okay. No it's fine. Okay. You're welcome Mr. Johnson." He said before hanging up. "Kenzie you are needed in the principal's office. They say it's urgent that you come now."

"Um, okay." I said while packing up my bag. "Bye Mr. Cahill."

"Bye Kenzie." He said before I walked out and into the hallway.

I wonder why they are calling me to the office. I know I didn't do anything bad.

Anyways I walked into the office and knocked on Mr. Johnson's door. "Come on." I hear him say.

And with that I enter his office noticing two policemen there also. "Umm?" I said.

"Please Miss Miller, take a seat." Mr. Johnson said. "They are here to tell you something."


"Mackenzie right?" One of the police officers asked me. I nodded. "I am sergeant Phillips. And my partner is sergeant Santiago. We are here to inform you that your mom, Taylor Miller, was in a car accident this morning on the way home. I'm afraid she didn't make it out alive."

"No." I said with tears forming in my eyes. "No, she can't be. She just can't. No. Why?! Please no. She's still alive! She has to be. I need my mom. I need my own mother. Please tell me this is a joke. Please. Mr. Johnson?" I looked at him hoping he would say otherwise, but he just looked away.

And with that, I lost it. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Does...my....dad...know...about...this?" I said while crying.

"Yes, he's on his way home from Florida right now." Sergeant Santiago said.

"Okay. Mr. Johnson, may I please. Be excused from school this week and next week?" I said while wiping my tears.

"I'm afraid not, Mackenzie." He replied.

"Why?" I said starting to cry harder.

"Your mom wouldn't want that, now would she?"

"YOU DON'T KNOW MY MOM LIKE THAT. FOR HEAVEN SAKES, I JUST LOST MY." I said raising my voice. "I just lost my mother, my best friend, my supporter, my everything, mr. Johnson. You wouldn't understand!"

With that I ran out of his office and out of school. I ran and ran until I bumped and fell on someone.


1st chapter...


xoxo Josie Marie.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2014 ⏰

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