Life is power

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Hey if u guys didn't read my last note the story is now a crossover of Percy Jackson---------

"DADDY!!!!!" Kurt bursted threw the doors of the meeting room.

The chatter went silent as Zues stood. He growled in anger as the teen screamed in excitement.

"Did you leave Olypmous again?," The roar scared Kurt.

"Father I... Just let me-"
The piercing blue eyes spilt salty water down his checks.

"I didn't leave...... Father!! Someone's here."
Guilt took over the god and he sighed.
"who's here baby?" Poseidon quzizied.
"I think he said his name was Percy, I don't know the others! Besides Sebby is here too."
The other gods chuckled knowingly.

Ever since they found the boys and brought them to the kingdom, Zues got over protective over the powerful child and kept him hidden from the world.

Sebastian visited as much as he could with Chiron for his safety. It's been almost a year now and kurt was only still a young Godlling.

The Greek gods had organised who kurt would live with while he grew up. Burt hummel had married Elizabeth the daughter of Hermes. But once she died, Burt was a mess he sheltered kurt from the world keeping his mind young as possible.

He met a lovely girl at Mickenly when he went their to visit for his second hand job. She was lovely just like Liz, Kurt even called her Mum. Her son Finn got along well with Kurt, he protected him when friends or family came over. He always moved Kurt to another room until he was sure who knocked on the door was save. Kurt loved Finn he was so nice always came to read to him before bed. Burt sat in a chair by the door with a warm smile watching his son giggling at the funny voices Finn made. Even though Kurt wasn't his reals son, he made sure to kurt he is his everything.

When Burt found out about Blaine. The new neighbour, dating kurt at fourteen, he was a little scared for his boy. He didn't know why he was scared but he just was. A year late Blaine brought some of his friends over to meet Kurt. That's when he met Jeff, Nick, Thad, Wes, David and Sebastian. He adored them all, he would giggle at the silly things Jeff did behind the boys backs. Sebastian and him talked for hours and hours that's when they fell in love with each other.

At night The seventeen year old would climb through Kurt's window and they would do what couples did chat more like whisper, play games, share kisses and many more. One night Burt caught kurt writing a letter. He overreacted on the beer he drank just before. He Beated kurt up and threw him out the next.

"C'mon, I better see what my son wants."
The god of water and horses transformed into his human size a trail of water followed the process.
Both father and son walked out into the foyer.
With kurt staying close as possible to him, Posiedon picked the boy up easily and Hosited him on his hip.
Cuddling to the hard harmed kurt got used to he hummed ,My Favourite Things from The Sound Of Music.

"Here to pick the young Godlling up son?" Percy nods.
"Go pack, Sebastian can you go help him please?"
"Sure." Both boys run off to Kurt's Chamber. Once the boys got there Kurt was surrounded by strangers while Sebastian was grabbed by a scary man.
"Well, that was Easier than I thought!" A blonde boy smirked as he sat on the gods bed.
"Luke....." Sebastian growled.
"Nice to see you too Seb! Let the boy free, I want to fight!"

The man let Sebastian go and they both pulled out their swords. Without warning Luke swung his sword into the others arm, leaving a deep cut. Kurt screamed in fright, Sebastian
didn't let the pain bother him, he needed to save his beloved. He was hit again in his stomach and he fell. Without a word Luke grabbed Kurt and took him to the underworld.

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