Found you

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Sebastian and Percy ran to the tree as if they were in the Olympics.

"Kurt baby?" Sebastian purred.


Both boys searched for the voice hurriedly. As they got to it, they saw Kurt laying just outside the barrier, most of his skin was teared from his bones. "KURT!!!"



Annabeth froze in horror at what she saw in front of her eyes. A big giant wolf growled at them, as it stood over Kurt's bloody body. It shifted into a filmier face none of them wanted to see, one Blaine Anderson.

Sebastian charged past his safety zone, "You did this to him!!!!!"

"You Demi-gods are just so blind! Your young God, here is a wolf too!"
All three Heroes gasped in shock.


"Shhhhhh pup, Alpha will come to you soon, after he kills these Demi-gods!"

"FATHER HELP ME PLEASE!!!!" Sebastian shouted at the sky.

A warm rumble answered and soon after the ground shook as a branch sprouted from the ground and rapped kurt up in a tight, protective hug and possibly healing him.

"The gods power won't-" Blaine's words turned into a scream, as his wolf was taken out of him, by the work of Zeus. After the process was completed, Blaine's human body laid unconscious on the Forrest floor. Mobsters roared in the distance, so Sebastian Manages to carry Kurt's, half hardily healed body.

"Dad said he's going to take out your wolf, it's going to hurt a lot," Sebastian cried. He laid Kurt up against the tree, as if it was a headboard.

"Ready, baby?"
"I'm scared."

"I know, I know. I'm right here ok?" Kurt nodded, "Daddy, I need you."
Zeus appeared kneeling next to his oldest son.

"Kurt, you can't always call for me son. "
"But i'm scared."

"Shhh.... I understand! are you ready?"

"Yeah," Kurt gasped as he felt a tingle in his body, which soon turned into pain.

Both of his father and boyfriend held onto him tightly as he tried to claw at his skin.


Zeus watched his son scream in pain, with anger and sorrow. How dare that little brat do this to his innocent son.

Blaine had passed out in pain not long ago, soon Kurt will too. Sebastian, rubbed the boys back soothingly, he watched tears slip down the pain filled face.

"I HATE YOU BLAINE!!!!!!!" Kurt screamed before blackness took other him.

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