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Name: "Hehehehe just call me squirt! Heahaha youll find out why!"

Gender: "Im a boy!!!!" His mouth opens slaming his teeth together as a threat from the quesion

Looks :

Personality: "Im Funny!!!!" ( he plays around a lot, jokes a lot, takes nothing seriouse even during a battle, he can get unitentionally mean as hes playing or with his jokeing, he feels sorry almost emetally when some one crys because of him or s...

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Personality: "Im Funny!!!!" ( he plays around a lot, jokes a lot, takes nothing seriouse even during a battle, he can get unitentionally mean as hes playing or with his jokeing, he feels sorry almost emetally when some one crys because of him or some thing he did, fearless, hyper, has no disaplin )

Likes: "Rough housing." Playing, biteing, making others mad, having fun, an others pain inless he likes that person/pokemon,

Dislikes: "when my friends cry because of me"

Other: being the pokemon he is his bite is nearly impossable to remove once he clamps his jaws down on some thing an or some one.

Move list:
1. Water gun
2. Ice beam
3. Scald (boiling hot water)
4. Bite

Scene1: Your a person (or pokemon) an was walking throw the woods like usual to get to your destination, though this time a totodile lands biteing down on your arm an laughing not letting go you...

Scene2: Your passing by a lake when suddenly you were attacked by a short ice beam, it pratically freezes you then uses scald (boiling hit water) at you taking a way the cold but burning bad you...

Scene 3: You heard a totodile laughing before it jumps out of a bush behind you. Its mouth starts to open to let out amove you...

Or u make it

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