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Dt: IShallSailTheShips :D

Sai loved to paint, but his paintings were always black and white. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't bring himself to use colours. However, one day he met a beautiful blonde named Ino, and Sai found himself painting in colour. Yet, one day Ino left, and Sai began painting in black and white once again. He never truly understood why she left, perhaps it was because her naturally bright personality couldn't accept his own dull one. In the end neither of them were happy, which made her leave, and in turn made Sai experience his first heartbreak.

Years went by until one day, Sai began to paint in colour again. It wasn't fully in colour, just a head of pink hair standing out in his black and white painting of the café down the street. He didn't know who the woman with pink hair he had been painting was, all he knew was that she had caught his attention and now he simply couldn't rid his mind of her. Luckily for Sai, he managed to bump into her at the library... literally. The pile of books that were in her hands fell to the ground as did she, shocking both of them for a couple seconds. Sai bent down to pick up her books before standing up and offering her his hand, as well as a small smile.

They introduced themselves and quickly became friends, their friendship was a special one that's truly hard to find, they shared a special connection that you don't just have with everyone. A year passed by, and then another before Sai was sure that he had once again, fallen in love. The woman's name was Sakura, and because of her, his paintings came to life with vibrant colours once again. Sakura on the other hand had known that she'd loved Sai for some time now but to her, heartbreak was inevitable in this situation, especially after her past experiences and the fear of a broken heart they left behind.

It was now March and Sakura's Birthday was fast approaching, and Sai had the perfect gift for her. It was the first painting he had ever made with her in it, with Sakura sitting outside the café down the street, her hair being the only colourful thing in the piece of artwork. However, on the bottom he added a little message:

"No piece of artwork could ever compare to your beauty."

Sai is quite a charmer isn't he? It was smart of him to read the book How To: Flirt before the special day came.

When Sakura saw the painting, she could feel the breath in her lungs leave her as she admired the piece of art. However, the little message at the bottom caused her face to turn the shade of her hair, which in turn made Sai let out an almost silent laugh.

"Do you mean it?" She asked, looking at him.

"Of course," Sai smiled. "I wouldn't lie to someone I love."

All the awestruck Sakura could manage to get out was "I love you too."

Now, several years later, Sai is a famous painter that's known all over the world. His wife, a beauty with unnaturally coloured hair, is a best-selling author. Sai's paintings are now full of colour, and you'll see them at every art gallery you go to. However, there's one piece of art by him that you'll never see, because it's hung up in his and Sakura's house. The very painting that started their story is the same one that will be there when it ends, and although Sakura calls it the best piece of art she's ever seen, Sai says that the best piece of art he's seen is her.


Whoops this took a while and its very short ;-; I'm sorry to all my SaiSaku shippers out there! I really tried but inspo has left me and went on an extremely long vacation. Nonetheless I hope you enjoyed it :,)


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