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"I dont want to marry her!"

Ahn Minyoung

I waited in front of the school for Jinyoung. Where is Park Jihoon? Well, Chaeyeon dragged him with her. I wonder whats' happening.

"Let's hangout?" Jinyoung asked as he puts a arm on my shoulder. "Why?" I asked teasingly and smiled. He pouted and whined.

"Fine, Do we go now or later?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. He pointed down to the ground, saying that he wants to go know.

I nodded and he immediately gave me a cute smile. "Let's go!" He shouted and pulled me by head locking me with his arm.

Park Jihoon

I pushed her body away from me and stared at her. "Jihoon oppa, stop trying to deny it" Chaeyeon smirked as she took steps closer to me.

"What do you mean?" She stopped taking steps and let out scoff. She crossed her arm infront of her chest and smirked.

"Stop denying about the agreement" I tilt my head because i was still confused. What agreement?

"Im sorry, i dont know anything about this agreement  you're talking about right now" She laughed loudly and grabbed onto my wrist

"That's why, you need to call your mom right now. Ask her about an agreement" She points at my pocket, which was where my phone is.

Out of curiosity, i took out the phone immediately and dialed my mom's number. I looked at Chaeyeon, and she was smiling widely.

Calling Mommy✨



You are connected!


Turn speakers on?
Yes | No


"Yes baby, what do you want?"

"Mom, can i ask you a question?"

"What? Is it about love again? Jihoon-ah, i told you. Just do-"

"No, its about an agreement'


"Tell me"

"Oh- how was school?"

"It was fine- wait- mom, dont try to change the topic and tell me"

"Fine. Its an agreement between our family and the 'Jo's family made'"

"Wait- Who are the Jo family?"

"The family consists of A parent,one son and one daughter"

"And what's the agreement?"

"The agreement is..im really sorry Jihoon"


"You have to marry their daughter, Jo Chaye-"


"Im sorry, i really tried. But if i didn't go with the agreement..we would had slept on the sidewalk. like, they are incharge for all of our income.."

"So, Does this make you happy mom? Do you want me to this?"

"Im not forcing you Jihoon, but this is for our own sake..We dont have money, we aren't rich. What can we do?"


"Thank you Jihoon"



End call


I let out a sigh as i put my phone in my pocket. I looked at Chaeyeon amd she was smirking. I was going to walk away, but she suddenly grab my wrist tightly.

"If you dare to hangout with Minyoung again, i will snap your head off. Got it?" Chaeyeon threaten with her dark aura surroumding her. I was scared, but i needed to act cool.

"Yeah yeah yeah" with that, i walked away with her followimg behind me. While i was walking, Minyoung suddenly popped out in my mind.

Wait, is she going to be fine after hearing about these news? Will she still accept me as her best friend? Will she notice my feelings for her?

Should i show how i feel about her? So i can make her mine? I finally had decided. I had a mission to accomplish.

Make Ahn Minyoung Mine


Hi guys, im sorry for this very short chapter :( so, my friends and i made a promise that we won't use our phones for things that are none worth it. So they told me not to play wattpad..so that means i can't publish any chapters. We made the promise bcuz we have 2 big exams coming :( So i hope you guys can wait for me.

I'll be updating randomly alright? Dont worry :) hope you can keep supporting my book ♥ And thank you for the 300+ reads! I love you all and hope you can understand me✨

I'll be updating randomly alright? Dont worry :) hope you can keep supporting my book ♥ And thank you for the 300+ reads! I love you all and hope you can understand me✨

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