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"be my boyfriend please"

third person view

"am i even doing the right thing?" minyoung asked daehwi and daehwi nodded in guilt. "its fine, its not like we're really dating or something" daehwi tried turning the mood up, but minyoung show no reaction at all.

minyoung looked at her timer which was displayed on her phone. it showed that she only had 2 more hours left. time was flying so fast and she had done it already. but she regrets it.

"do you think i was too harsh?" minyoung cried and snuggled into the daehwi's embrace, while he just tried calming her down with his sweet voice.

suddenly her phone vibrated, it was a message from an unknown number..

+82 6543210

change '+82 6543210' to '??'

really appreciate it, thank you

who this?

its chaeyeon :)

you're alive?


thanks for giving me jihoon :)

wtf, i never gave him to you tho

but wdym?

well, he visited me today :)

he was happy to see me :)

vvv happi :)


you changed '??' to 'chaebitch'

would you like to block
yes | no

park jihoon

i walked into her room to be greeted by her brother and as well her. "ah hi chaeyeon" i greeted but was actually laughing in the inside, cause this bitch was still alive.

"oh hi oppa!" she yelled with her cracky and high pitched voice, i just shrugged and looked at her brother, cause he looked suspicious as hell,, he was smiling? creepy bish

"I'll leave you too alone.." her brother said and walked out of the room, leaving me and chaeyeon alone.

"oppa,," chaeyeon whispered and gestured me to come closer to her. "be my boyfriend please" she continued as i looked at her in disgust.

"what the fuck, you think im nice? do you think I'll accept you cause you're injured? pft, chaeyeon..I'll accept you —"

"—omg really?!" she yells in excitement, but i told her i wasn't finish yet. "so as i was saying, I'll accept you only in your dreams" i smirked

she rolled her eyes and looked away because she was embarrassed.

"so, the reason i went here was to ask you a question," i asked her with seriousness taking over my body. she looked at me and scoffed.

"its about ahn minyoung,, do you know where she is? i know you're tryna break me and her apart,, but thats not going to work" i stated while she looked shookt as fuck.

"didn't rhink i was smart? well, im fucking smart" i stated the truth and flipped my hair back (A/n: HAHA WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING AHHAHA)

"dumbass" she mumbled but it was still audible for me to hear. "who's the dumbass? you? can't agree more" i said and shrugged,, ready to leave the room..but she called for me.

"she's in jeju,, with lee daehwi.." chaeyeon whispered and looked at me with tears in her eyes. "huh?" i asked in confusion, still not getting what she was telling me.

"just go, before i change my mind" that's when it hit me, she was talking about minyoung. i bowed and thanked her, before running out of the room.

I'll find you minyoung, i know you're lying about you dating someone, I'll make you mine once more

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