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IDK IF I SHOULD PUT OUT MY SOCIAL MEDIA OR NOT BUT IM SORRY FOR THE LATE POST ..... ( The fact that I'm saying this to 1 viewer 😞 )

— I gathered up all my clothes , left a note for Chanel to call me in the morning and left to go home at 2:00 at night . I put on my headphones cause I felt like it's creepy walking somewhere late at night and hearing only cars driving past by and loud ass trucks since this is basically what I hear everyday living in NY ...

—I opened up the Spotify app on my phone and pressed shuffle on my favorite playlist " Tittyshaking" . Wild thoughts by Rihanna started playing . "OMG YES I LOVE THIS SONG THANKYOU JESUS"

— " I don't know if you can take it , know you wanna see me ( Titty shake ) Nake-nake-naked , I wanna be your baby , baby , baby " .... By the time the song was finished playing I arrived home .

— I went up my front porch and I had a flashback of when I used to sit on a porch swing with my grandma when I was younger . She was really the nicest person ever . She had died the day before Christmas from a heart attack and my mom was soo devasted and crying all night and I didn't even know how to cheer her up so I just gave her some space and me on the other hand I ran up to my room and bawled my eyes out until 4 o clock in the morning .

— " I miss you Grandma , and I'll never ever forget about you " I said whispering while sitting on the swing . Then I heard panting noises from the inside of my house and I thought " oh hell no that's my cue to leave you got the house now " . But I decided to face my fear of someone or something breaking into my house . I went to grab my bedazzled pepper spray and taser from my Prada purse that Chanel also got me for my birthday .

I used my key to open my front door and pushed to open the door but for some reason the door wouldn't barge even with me using all my 130 pounds of strength ... yes I ran against the door and failed utterly . I decided that I'm not trying to end up in a hospital this late so I chose the other way which is to go up my ladder on the side of my house to go to my bedroom window .

I climbed up and stopped underneath my window and pulled it open . I grabbed onto the ledges and looked inside my bedroom to make sure it was clear and it certainly was not . There were 2 big guys in black suits crouching by my bed waiting for something or someone to come through my bedroom door with guns in their hands . I was about to climb back down slowly until I accidentally made the ladder creak while taking the first steps and they both drawed their guns and aimed it at my head . I was frozen like a deer looking at headlights .

" don't you dare move or I'll shoot " one of them said . I was still frozen until the step of the ladder I was on had broke and I fell back and I knew it was gonna hurt when I banged my head on Mother Nature plants but instead I fell into someone arms . His arms felt muscular and toned through whatever he was wearing . Until I just recognized that I'm in a random persons arm . " AHH LET GO OF ME HELP ME SOMEBODY PLEASE AHHHH " , thrashing around I screamed .

He had a tight grip on my body but one of my arms was free so I landed a good punch to his jaw . " CAZZO " he let me go and that was my chance to run as far as I can go and don't stop .

Once I started running I heard gun shots and the person who held me yelled " GET THEM AND ILL GET THE GIRL "  all of a sudden two black SUVS came from the driveway and even more gunshots started going off . I was running fast and my heart was beating like crazy because of what just happened. I decided to run to anywhere that my feet will take me and it took me to an alley way behind a grocery store . I had to calm down and find a hiding spot before the person who catched me can't find me no more . I hid behind many storage boxes and stayed there for a minute until I heard loud footsteps coming down the alleyway and I stopped breathing so they wouldn't know that I was here . " WHERE THE FUCK DID SHE GO " he all but yelled . He was about to walk away until at the moment I was gonna get away my phone started ringing to my song creep by TLC . It was my bestfriend calling probably to let me know why didn't I just stay . I put my phone back in my purse until I had gotten grabbed harshly by the unknown man by my hair and he hoisted me up to my feet and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder . " STOP IT LET ME GO RAPE RAPE RAPE AHH HELP ME LORD JESUS IM SORRY FOR EVERYTHING THAT IVE DONE !! " he kept walking to wherever and threw me into a black SUV and came into the car next to me and closed the door behind him . I went all the way to the other side and hugged my knees until he came over to my side , grabbed my ankles , pulled me closer to him , and said in a deep husky voice " make one more noise and I'll shoot you right in your head and cut up your body and serve it to the dogs " . He snapped his fingers and told whoever was driving to start and drive to his destination .

I might not continue this cause I barely have time to do all of this and it's a lot of work but I hope you enjoyed this chapter 💖💖

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