Chapter 1: Him

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I felt myself being nudged by some one, waking me from my sleep. 

"Come on, Alisha. Get up", I heard my mom say. 

I slowly opened my eyes and smiled, "Morning." 

I stood up and walked to the main room. My mom told me that I had to go hunting today with my brother, while she watched the cubs.

I told my parents that I was leaving and they told me to look out for Eva and her cubs, like always. My brother had already left. I started walking into the jungle and soon enough, the tree was out of sight. As I ventured forth into the jungle, I felt my eyes start to glow. My mom told me that's what happens when your about to find your mate.

I kept walking forward and finally saw Eshan, Eva's son. 

"Mate", he whispered. 

It must have been to himself because I hardly heard it. He walked hesitantly towards me. When he reached my side, he circled around me. I stayed still as he did this, scared of him. My mother's stories of Eva terrified me, so why wouldn't Eshan scare me to?

"You're beautiful", he said, stopping in front of me, "Alisha, right?"

I nodded quickly and kept my head down. He pushed his head under mine and looked into my eyes. 

"We can't be mates", I said, "Our parents will kill us." 

He laughed, "They can't change fate."

"Eshan. Leave", I heard my brother say in the distance. 

I looked at Eshan,"Go."

 Eshan disappeared into the wood. My heart sunk into my stomach. I knew Shaan would tell our parents about our confrontation. 

Shaan ran up to me, "Are you alright?" I nodded my head quickly, "I'm taking you home. Mom and Dad need to know about this"

The whole walk home, I kept my head down. I knew that Dad would try to kill him and Mom would never let me leave the tree again. Once we got home, my parents both ran up to us. 

"Are you guys ok?", they asked us. 

Shaan nodded, "We're fine. I'm just bringing Alisha home." 

My father looked at me,"Why?"

Shaan told him about Eshan and I's confrontation. My mother hugged me and my father questioned me. 

"What did he say to you?", he asked me. 

I shook my head, "Nothing." 

My mother stopped him, "Kiaan. Don't do this to her. I say we keep her here until further notice. If anything, they are attacking our children."

"No!", I said. Everyone looked at me, confused. 

My father approached me, "You will stay here until I say you can leave. Understand?" 

I nodded my head, tears filling my eyes. My father and brother left to hunt. My father was strict on us kids, but I've never seen him like that.

My mother sent me to my branch to rest. I thought about Eshan. In weird sense, I loved him. I hate that he is banned from any confrontation with my family. I, mostly, cried on my branch, knowing I couldn't talk to anyone about this.

"Alisha", I heard my Mom call, "Are you ok?" 

She appeared in my field of vision. She pulled me into her body with her paw, "I know your father is scary but you need to listen to him, ok?" 

I nodded and smiled. My mother was very nice to me. I think if my Mom wasn't here, my father would beat me.

After dinner, I went straight to bed, already knowing I was in trouble. I got comfortable on my branch and closed my eyes. I felt the branch move and opened my eyes. I expected my brother or someone from my family, but it was Eshan. 

"Hi, mate", he said, pulling me closer to him with his paw.

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