Chapter 7

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A series of 'oohs' and 'awes' came from the group of boys. It was exactly how it was in the picture on the brochure; the ground, roof and bushes were all covered in snow, the windows had black and sapphire curtains in them, the front door was oak with a pine furnish.

"If you follow me, I'll give you a tour of the house and show you where you'll be sleeping while you stay." The little old man waved his hand towards the boys and started walking back to the house.

"Hai." Everyone happily agreed and followed him into the house.

They all picked up there things and followed the man. Before Ryoga started behind them, he noticed Echizen staring at the window. He went to him and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Chibisuke, don't worry. I'm here for you. We all are." He tightened his grip.

"Ah." He placed his hand on Ryoga's. They picked up their things and followed the rest of the group inside.

The inside of the manor was the same too. Everything was lavish with color and the chandelier was reflected the sun's light, lighting up the whole room. The same 'oohs' and 'awes' from outside had migrated to the inside and started echoing.

"Waa! This place is bigger than it seems!" Kikumaru said.

"We could get lost." Oishi said.

"If we do, Jackal can find the way out." Marui said.

"Who said I'm the one who's going to get lost?" Jackal complained.

"Don't worry boys. It's smaller than it seems." The old man said as he led them upstairs and into a hall. "These are the rooms you will be staying in while you're here." To the left of the stairs was a hall with five rooms on both sides of it and to the right was a pair of French doors opening to the backyard. "I suggest you all take this time to choose your rooms and who you will be with. You may choose any room you wish but the last room on the end." He started back down the stairs. "I'll be waiting downstairs when you're done."

"Well, how are we going to do this?" Yukimura said.

"There are nine rooms available." Inui started. "The best option would be-"

"-For us to sleep in groups of two." Renji finished.

"Saa, I think he mean who will be with who and where." Fuji said.

Just then, Echizen took his things and went to the middle room on the right hand side of the hall.

"Oi Chibisuke." Ryoga went after him. "Sorry, I guess we're taking this room."

No one really cared seeing that it was Echizen that did it. They did all think he was being a little strange though. He was more distant than usual and more compliant. All the times that Ryoga had come to visit, Echizen would ignore and argue with him more but this time, he seemed grateful that he was there. Even the Rikkaidai regulars thought something was strange and this was the first time they had met Ryoga.

"Did we miss something?" Kirihara asked as a question mark popped off his head.

"I wonder what's wrong." Taka said.

"Can we deal with it later?" Kaidou asked.

"These bags are starting to get heavy." Niou complained.

Everyone agreed and went to the rooms. Tezuka and Yukimura thought that it would be better for everyone to get to know each other if they bunked with someone from the other team. The pairs went as such: Tezuka and Yukimura, Inui and Renji, Kaidou and Niou, Taka and Sanada, Fuji and Hiroshi, Kikumaru and Marui, Oishi and Jackal, Momo and Kirihara and Echizen and Ryoga.

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