waking up in a brand new world!

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My name is sakurako kayama but I call myself saki and my life is a living nightmare. The reason for this is because my parents are completely insane wrecks and horible people. All day I have to clean every inch of my house or else I will get beat by my mom and dad(even if I do clean they will still beat me). But now im locked in a dark small room because I didn't clean properly. I didn't even get to eat dinner and now I'm quite littraly starving to death. The only good thing about this is that I snuck in my computer. Now I'm about to end my favorite show of ALL TIME naruto shippuden and move on to boruto but just as I was about to get to ep 1 of boruto I decided to go to sleep. But just before I was eaten by sleep and possibly death I made a wish. Please let me have a nice normal after life. And then I fell into a deep sleep. But I was awoken by a strange sound it sounded like...wait birds?!?!?!
I quickly opened my eyes and was blinded by the large sun shining in my eyes and then I noticed that I was laying on a soft layer of grass '',mmmmmm so comfy.........wait a second I don't remember walking outside and falling asleep!!", I stood up and it took just one glance before I started to freekout'', WHY THE DUCK AM I IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MOTHER FRICKING WOODS!?!?!?!?!",I was running around all scared like until I noticed how everything looked'', why are the trees so weird looking and why dose the water look like it's been dra -", I couldn't finish my sentence after I saw what was in the water reflection it was me but I looked different I used to have long blonde strandy hair and was wearing a potato bag but now I have supper big eyes with yellow blushy cheeks. I didn't have any scratches bruses or cuts I was wearing my old orange tee-shirt with my cute striped sweater I was wearing a backpack my orange and yellow shoes and some big blue jeans ( picture above ) I was really happy when I saw my reflection but then my morning turned from good to great when I saw one big gate with two guards standing in front I slowly relised that those guards were none other than kotesu and izumo'',oh....my....God.... I'M IN FRICKING NARUTO!!!!!" HOLY SHIZ NUGGETS!!!!! omg ok Im just gona act natural. I walked up to them and said ",h-hi w-were am-m I?",
Wow nice going saki you really messed up this time I thought "um..your in the hidden leaf vilage state your business." izumo said trying to look professional "I want to s-se t-the hokage!" Godamit saki why u so nervous just stay calm dude "well if you want to see the hokage you will have to be escorted by me and izumo." Kotesu said "ok show the way please." Why was I so polite...oh well. I was already half way to the hokage building until a boy ran into me and you better believe that I was pissed I turned around and yelled "hey! Watch were your going you-" i stopped and stared at the boy and relised slowly that it was...OMG NARUTO!!! I was so happy and I felt bad that I was going to yell at him so I scurried to my feet and helped him up " oh my gosh I'm sorry are you ok like are you hurt or anything is your leg fine!?" He looked at me like me and what I just said was a merical or something. " um no I'm ok believe it!but...why did you help me?" He asked "well you fell down so why wouldn't I?" I said even though I knew why he was surprised that i helped him. "Um it's just that.... nevermind. Hey by the way my names naruto uzumaki the future hokage believe it!!!" He said. I kinda giggled and said back " I believe it naruto. And my name is-" I couldn't finish because the one and only iruka sensei picked and tied him up and dragged him to where I can only guess is the academy. Oh fiddlesticks I really wanted him to remember me too uhhhh... oh well I guess I'm headed to the hokage instead.

who should I hook her up with?(options)👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Shikamaru (hhmmmmm...😑)

Sasuke (maby later🤔)

Naruto (naa🙅)

Lee (ya🤗)

Choji (naa🙅)

Shino (naa🙅)

Other (it depends who...)

yay I'm in an animu!!!!!!( stuck in naruto )Where stories live. Discover now