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“Where’s Chiron?” they said in unison. “I’ll tell the head of the cabins, you go find Joie,” Kaleco said as he snapped his fingers. He flashed to each head counselor and said to each, “Game room, now.”

He then flashed to Jaden, and saw him looking for Joie. He smiled, his best friends heart showing in his love. Kaleco went to the game room and saw all the head campers standing there, around the ping-pong table. “What’s wrong?” they chorused, all of them knowing that he was back from Ruby’s blabber mouth.

“We’ve got a warning. Watch your fellows and be careful. Get each other’s six, okay?” Kaleco said. The head’s of each cabin of the Olympians and minor gods nodded, or ran out of the room to tell their siblings and anyone they saw.

Kaleco snapped his fingers and went to a cave to think. The voice, it sounded familiar. But when? and who? Jaden didn’t show any signs of recognition. He sat on a rock and went through all the people whom it might have been. Through the mist of the waterfall, the voice sounded again. “Hey Kale, mum’s a jerk huh?” Kaleco turned to face the only one who called him Kale, and smiled. “Ya she is, isn’t she James?”

James, his older brother, had been killed by Kronos trying to defend his younger brother. James was a demi as well, but to Hermes. He had found a way to talk to his brother from Hades. He may have been a soul, but he sure was gonna keep defending his brother no matter how hard it got.

“Hey Kale, I missed you by seconds in Hades palace. You came and went. Although it seems as though you made a deal. How did you get Hades to agree to that?” James said, smiling at his younger brother.

“James, you know that I would do anything to stay away from you. You smell.” Kaleco jested, although truthfully he missed his annoying, sassy big brother.

“The message got through, I’m guessing? I’m trying to help you in the least direct way as possible. And by the way, like the ghost thingy. That is why you are Athena’s kid,” James said, looking around him. “Thanks and I suppose I proved myself now. Do you happen to know what’s not safe?” Kaleco asked his long standing hero, waiting for an answer.

“I can’t tell a mortal...” James said, smiling as he found a loophole in Hade’s decree.

“Does it really look like I’m a mortal?!? I’m a freaking ghost, you derp!” Kaleco smiled, laughing slightly at the amount of rule passing they found together. “Then there are no rules binding me. Hold on, who’s that?” James questioned looking at something passed Kaleco’s shoulder.

Kaleco turned, “Sona? What are you doing here?” and James said with finality, “I will speak to you later, brother. ως τότε” Kaleco and returned the phrase ‘until then’.

James disappeared into the mist and Kaleco sighed. He had just had the first conversation in a year with his brother and it was interrupted by Sonador Zinnia... wow. “What’s wrong hunny?” he said, beckoning her forward. She crept towards him and smiled. “You’re a ghost? Why?” she spoke shyly. His lips twitched slightly and he offered his hand. “I chose this to protect my friends and work under Lady Canisa’s lead when she is ready. And come here, you know how ghost’s work and you can touch me without me having to solidify”

Sona smiled and took his hand. “My mummy’s Canisa. Did ya know?” Kaleco laughed a little and nodded. “Yes Sonador Zinnia, daughter of Zeus.”

“How do you know my name?” she said in a shocked tone, taking her outstretched hand back. “The only ones who know my full name is Canisa, Kronos, Daddy, and meanie’s. But you don’t seem like either. So... how?” Kaleco sighed and patted the spot next to him. “That is one of the reasons why I am here. I am to help those who need to find someone or something.” He smiled, thinking of his sacrifice.

“Well, you’re wierd.” she sassed him and he smiled. “You really are the daughter of Zeus. You sass everyone not thinking of the consequence’s. Well, you won’t sass me.” and he was about to magick her to be quiet.

Suddenly, the warning bells rang and they both turned toward the sound. They looked at each other and nodded. Sona began to run on the air, using her abilities to get to the center of camp whilst Kaleco magicked into camp with his usual snapping of his fingers.

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