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~ The Next Day ~
Your POV
As I finish up putting my harness on I walk out of my room and to the Mess Hall for breakfast. I open the two big doors and see that mostly everyone was already eating and some getting their food. I go in line waiting for the usual unflavored soup and bread with the beverage of (f/d). I got my food and went to the superior's table. I sit across from Erwin, the woman named Hanji from my right and Levi on the other side. 'Wait what?! Levi? Here?! At the superior's table?! What happened when I was out?' I thought as I look at Levi with no expression keeping my cool and look towards Erwin who knew already that I noticed Levi at the table.
"I see that you noticed something." He says.
"No shit, eyebrows."
"Whoa! Got a big one here." Hanji says.
"Shut it, four eyes."
"Hey, c'mon! Why so serious?" She says poking on my cheek.
"Shitty four eyes, if you don't move that finger I swear that'll be the last time you'll see it." I say venom coming out of my voice and she quickly retrieves her hand away. Erwin fighting back the laughter and Levi just being there quiet.
"Anyways, mind telling me what is happening."
"Erwin here has promoted, Levi right?, to Corporal as well." She says happily wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
"What?" I say more deadly than ever, looking at Erwin dead in the eye. Hanji felt the dark aura and again retrieved her arm away quickly.
"Before you kill me. You are still Corporal, Levi is your backup Corporal just in case something bad happens to you like yesterday. He will have his own squad as well, you both will train your squads together."
"That is if I get a squad. Remember?"
"Right you will choose your next squad members."
"Just think of it, Humanity's Strongest and Second Humanities Strongest, together! It's like they are invincible!" Hanji yelled making everyone look our way. I got really annoyed and turned to the cadets.
"Go back to what you were doing." I command them deadly not that deadly. They quickly turn around again eating their food.
"Anymore changes I need to know, Erwin?"
"Not for now."
"Ok. Welcome to the Superior's Table." I say bluntly facing Levi.
"Have you gotten your squad already?"
"Yea. About a month ago."
"What?! How long was I asleep?" Again the cadets turn to our way. I only gave them a death glare and they went back to their foods.
"About a month and two days." Erwin answers. I grunt in frustration.
"Lots of paperwork?"
"Oh yea."
"Fine. Who are in Levi's squad?"
"They are Eld Jinn, Olou Bozado, Petra Ral, and Gunther Shultz. They just graduated and now they have joined the Survey Corps."
"Can I be in Levi's squad for now? I don't think these new graduates are good enough."
"How can you tell?" Hanji asked
"Well look at their faces." We all turn around unnoticed and see cadets laughing, smiling and enjoying that they have their friends with them.
"Oh. They have never experienced a titan before, so they don't know what is like." She says
"Exactly. So can I?" I ask facing Erwin.
"If it's only alright with Levi." I turn to Levi for approval.
"Tch. Whatever."
"He says 'yes, you are welcomed to my squad.' He may be complicated but I picked up a few things about him." I say but he turns his eyes to the other side.
"By the way, Levi I want to see you in office after." I say getting up and picking up my tray.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Asked Erwin.
"No. I'm not hungry much."
"Are you serious? You've slept for a month and two days. How can you not be starving?" Levi finally said something.
"I've felt worse. Starvation isn't new for me." I say final, walking to the trash and leaving the Mess Hall with two confused people.

3rd POV
"Well hat was odd." Hanji says right after (y/n) has left.
"Hanji, she has dealt many difficulties in her life. Ever since she was a child." Erwin said.
"What do you mean?"
"Search in the files."
"But I don't know her name yet."
"(Y/n) (l/n)"
"Oh thanks!" Hanji says leaving the Mess hall leaving the two males. Levi gets up.
"Now where are you going?"
"To see her. Remember she told me to see her in her office."
"Oh right. Go on then."
Levi walks down the hallways to (y/n)'s office. He arrived in front of her door and knocks.
"Name and business."
"Come in."

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