Solo Doll (Creepypasta) Chapter 4

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hey guys thanks so much! the last one I forgot to tall you all um I have stopped with the Solitaire Solo and I know some of you were looking to it,but that was just the start of I hope you love this story thanks!....

Chapter 4 Zalgo comes home

Still the doll like cracks were still heard and the house was dark Jeff,Laughing Jack,BEN, Sally,Clock Work, and Eyeless Jack has been trapped in the house now for three days hearing that sound and they found a candle and ever so often they would light it trying to fined her if they got to close to her she would scream and the fire would go out and she would run at them Until Zalgo came home as he tried to open the door it would shut again he flashed in and the shadows that we're on the wall were gone and they looked at Zalgo and Zalgo seen everyone covered in blood and in the corner was Solo she got up and everyone ran behind Zalgo and pushed him closer to Solo and Jeff said,"next time tell someone where your going and how long! now get your fucked up sister!" Zalgo was all confused about the hole thing and walked over to Solo and the shadows were gone by the time he touched her shoulder and she turned around fast with blood all over her as while,but the she turned to her human form and the blood was gone and she hugged Zalgo and he hugged back,"I thought I told you not to play hide in seek" Solo looked down and then Zalgo looked at LJ and he said,"sorry she was sad! I can't help it!" then the door opened and they all ran out side and fell to the ground,"FREEDOM!!!" they all yelled, and Solo was not letting go of Zalgo for nothing...this happens every time he's gone for more then a day...if it was two days she would have just scared the shit out of them but it was three days and that means blood...Zalgo looked down at Solo and said,"I am sorry for not telling you where I was going...but it was work and look what I got you" Solo looked up and seen that her dolls were back,but with a spell on them,"why spells?" "so they don't run away any more" she noded and passed out in his arms he grinned and picked her up,"see...every time I come home you miss with my workers and you are always tired...its cute" he smiled and placed her in his bed like he always dose,then he kissed her on the forehead and walked out as the door closed he cut is finger and wrote ruins around the door and the door was now gone and he could see in but she could not see out,then he walked down stairs and out side,"hey! we all need to talk" they all noded and seat down on the ground and Zalgo waved them in,but they all was saying no,so Zalgo sighed and walked out of the house and said,"okay...Jane is playing with us...she wants to use Solo as the power of her group to getting the Jeff you are safe for now..." Jeff jumped up and yelled,"YUSH!" but the Zalgo made a knife out of then air and thought at his head it hit and Zalgo yelled,"Shut up! I got her trapped but if you wake her up we could have a problem" Jeff seat down trying to pull the knife out and Ben was trying to help and as Zalgo looked around and said,"but its time I told you all the true past about Solo Death is her real name...." they all stopped and looked at Zalgo,"her real name? who the hell is Solo?!" Jeff yelled and finely pulled the knife out and Zalgo lead on a tree and said,"will...she is the one that holds this world and the human world apart..." LJ got up and yelled,"she isn't?!" "she is Jack...she's the golden Key...she's the fallen Angel and Brocken Demon...and the Solo Doll" Zalgo looked around at all the shocked faces and he said,"don't tell her yet I have been hiding this from her for 10 years...if she finds out to soon that gives Jane a chance to get her" they all noded and Clock Work grabbed sally and said,"we have to go..." and Zalgo noded to them as they left Sally was being pulled the hole time...then EJ got up and was about to say something,but then there was crack sound coming from Zalgo's room Zalgo flashed up to the room and Seen Solo trying to brack the door and get out,but then Solo started to chant and Zalgo's eyes widen and the others ran up,but Zalgo pushed them away from the door as it Brock Solo walked out of the room and looked side to side and walked up to Zalgo and grabbed his hand, then she smiled and said,"don't ever leave" he noded and walked down stairs as everyone followed as they got to the living room Solo let go of Zalgo's hand and opened the door and there was Jane and Solo hugged Jane and Zalgo grabbed Solo from her and said,"what do you want Jane?" Jane smiled and said,"to see my daughter" Zalgo covered Solo's ears so she would not hear,but Solo pushed Zalgo away,"She' told me she lied to me! are you my brother?!" "Solo Dol-" "ARE YOU!?!?" Zalgo looked down and said,"no...I'm not...I'm sorry" Jane grinned and looked at Jeff and said,"hey you daughter..." Jane pointed at Solo,

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