Little Game

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Prompt: Write something with strange character relationships

"Where is she?" Mona tapped her foot impatiently. She was reaching for her cell phone when someone grabbed her.

She gasped in surprise before saying, "Amber, is that you?" with a smile on her lips.

"Amber's not here right now, so let's play a little game." he said while he quickly  tied her hands together. She tried to scream but he knocked her out before she could. The last thing she saw was the streetlamp above her as she blacked out.

'Don't want to cause a scene,' he thought.'Have to get her out of here before someone sees me. If they see me, it's all over.'  He hurried out of sight as a car pulled up.

"Weird," Amber said to herself, "Mona's never late. I'll just call her." She whipped out her phone and dialed the number. The ringing startled the man as he scrambled to silence it before anyone else could hear it, giving away his location.

The next day, Amber decided to call Mona again.

"Hey!" exclaimed Mona with way too much enthusiasm over getting a phone call.

Surprised by her friends perkiness, Amber  responded with, "Are you ok? You seem different."
"I've never been better. Want to hang out? Ooh! Let's go shopping!" she seemed way perkier than her usual self. But perky was always what Amber had tried to get Mona to be.

"Of course! Who wouldn't want to go shopping?" Amber was way too excited about her friend's unnatural sudden change in opinion.

'Yes!' thought the man, 'The stupid girl doesn't suspect a thing! Now that I have this new body, I'm invincible!'

"But are you sure you're ok?" concern was outlining her voice now. As much as Amber loved shopping, Mona hated it because she thought that she could always find it cheaper somewhere else.

"Why do you keep asking me that? It's not like I'm possessed or anything." He cursed himself for letting that slip. She was onto him and he had to shake her.

His thoughts were interrupted when Amber said, "So, where did you want to meet up?"

'The perfect opportunity to get her,' thought the man, 'Two attractive vessels is always preferable to one. Especially if one is made of my own flesh and blood'

"You will NOT get my friend!" Mona's voice rang out inside his head.

Suddenly he was somewhere else. He couldn't see anything and when he looked down to see what he was standing on, there was nothing to be seen. When he tried to reach down and touch the ground, he felt a pang of fear as their was nothing there and he started to fall. He hit the nothingness with a thud and a loud crack rang out about the blackness.

"FUCK!" He screamed. He had landed on his foot and broken his leg. He felt something wet and sticky seeping through his pant leg. "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!" he yelled into the darkness. Through all his swearing, he could barely hear the laughter coming towards him.

"Pooooooke," said a young little girl as she poked the man in the cheek from behind. He quickly turned around and to his surprise, he could actually see this girl. She looked about five years old and had blonde curls in pigtails held in place by pink ribbons. She was wearing a pink dress and rhinestone covered sandals. She looked exactly how he remembered her. His daughter, Amber.

"A-A-Amber?" His voice was now shaking.

"You let them take me dad. Why did you let them take me?" She was standing over him now with her arms crossed.

He looked down at the nothingness as he said, "I-I tried to stop them but there were too many of them. Please forgive me." There was hopefulness in his voice now. But when he looked up, all his hope was crushed for all he saw was the cold, unforgiving stare of his daughter.

"Why?" she demanded, "Why did you let them take me?" The man was on the floor with his head between his hands.

"Please stop," he pleaded, "There was nothing I could do." His voice was barely a whisper.

"But that's where you're wrong." The mean looked up, and was startled to see that she was now fully grown. "You could've saved me, but you didn't. And now you're going to pay." She reached out her hand as if she were grabbing something and then twisted it.

The man feel to the floor in agony as he felt his insides twist. He felt his heart stop beating and the blood being sucked out of his veins. It felt like his whole body was on fire. He couldn't breathe and he could feel the life slowly draining out of his body. Then it all stopped. He could no longer feel pain, or anything at all for that matter. He slowly raised his head and instead of his daughter, he saw Mona walking towards him.

She bent over him, her hair dangling in his face as she whispered, "Guess you shouldn't have challenged a psychic to a game of mental strength." She then stood up and started walking away. Turning back, she said, "Now, let's play a little game."

His voice was shaking as he replied, "W-What kind of ga-ame?"

Mona smiled wickedly, "The game called 'How Long Can the Bad Man Last being Tortured by his Beloved Daughter, Amber.'"

He held his head in his hands, "No."

"Oh yes," Mona started walking towards him again, "Just remember, you're the one who wanted to play a game with me. The one who wanted to be immortal so bad that he experimented on his daughter and possessed my body." He shook his head as if trying to get rid of her words. "When they took Amber away from you, you blamed them. It wasn't their fault that you're a horrible human being."

"No daddy, it was your fault. And now you're going to suffer." He looked up to find that his daughter had taken Mona's place. She was smiling wickedly and was holding a syringe. The man tried to move, but found that he was now strapped down to a surgical table. "Now daddy, let's play a little game called, 'How loud can I Make Daddy Scream?'"

Mona woke up in her own body in an unfinished, abandoned warehouse. She looked around and discovered several open crates filled with experimental scary looking medical equipment. Her hand flew to her pocket and felt for her lighter. She stood up, walked outside of the building, and lit the door frame on fire. Since the building had been left unfinished, it was mainly wood so it caught fire easily. Once the building had a good flame going, she walked away. She didn't know where she was, but soon figured it out and made her way towards Amber's apartment which was a lot closer than hers. She knocked on the door and was greeted by a very confused Amber.

"Hey," Amber was obviously very confused by how Mona was acting, "Is everything ok?" Mona shook her head as she walked inside. "What's wrong?"

Mona sat down on Amber's couch before whispering, "I had no idea." she dropped her head.

"No idea about what?" Amber sat down next to Mona.

Her head shot up before exclaiming, "Your dad! How could someone do such a thing?"

"Oh..." Amber looked down at her hands, "Well, he messed up, but that's ok. everyone fucks up sometimes. But the reason I'm ok with it is because I know that he's being punished right now for his crimes."

Mona pulled Amber in for a hug while saying, "Oh honey, you have no idea."

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