Mirror Mirror

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Prompt: Write a story about a mirror

So you see, it might be the end of the world, but I promise it's not my fault. This may sound stupid, but it's 100% my mirror's fault. I had nothing to do with it at all. Ok maybe a little bit, but still it was mostly my mirror's fault. It started one morning when the world behind the mirrors started to leak into our world, through my mirror.

I had found this really cool mirror in my attic and thought that I should hang it up somewhere. At first, I didn't notice that my reflection had started to move a little faster than I did. Then, the objects in my room were different in the mirror than they actually were. But what really made me realize something was wrong was when I saw my reflection blink.

When I saw my mirror blink, my first reaction should have been to smash it, destroying whatever was inside of it. But being the stupid person I am, I just thought that it was broken and needed to be fixed. I went to sleep on it, leaving my mirror right where it was. The next morning, I felt that something was very, very  wrong. My first instinct was to check my mirror to see it anything had happened, so I looked into it and saw my room. I had thought that there was nothing wrong with my mirror and walked away, but I quickly turned around when I realized. I stood right in front of the mirror and didn't see my face. I saw my room, all the furniture was still there, but I didn't have a reflection. I screamed and ran out of the house and all the way to the police station. But they, of course, thought that I had gone crazy and convinced me to go get help. While a very nice policeman drove me to the hospital in his car, I looked up at the rear view mirror and instead of seeing my hysterical self, my reflection smiled at me.

"O-Officer?" I managed to squeak out, "Would you mind looking in the mirror for me?"

"Sure Miss, just give me a second," He kindly responded.

After what had seemed like forever, he finally looked up and made eye contact with me through the mirror. I had started to relax because he gave me a reassuring smile, but then tensed back up when I realized that the real Officer was still looking straight ahead at the road.

"S-Sir? A-Are you a-alright?" He didn't respond, so I tried again, "O-Officer? Is e-everything ok?"

Suddenly, he took a sharp turn and we were on a back road that I had never seen before. He kept swerving as if to avoid hitting something, but each time he did, he laughed like a maniac. I was scared, and tired, and thought that I was going crazy. In an attempt to block out everything that was happening, I closed my eyes as tight as I could and curled up into myself.

"This isn't happening..." I whispered to myself, "This can't be happening..."

"Miss!" I refused to open my eyes, "Miss, we're at the hospital now, do you need help getting out?"

I opened my eyes and suddenly I was no longer swerving along back roads, I was in a car parked in front of the hospital. I then looked up at the rear view mirror and saw my reflection smile, wink at me, then disappear. Everything went by in a blurr after that, I didn't know where I was of who I was talking to, I just knew that I needed to get out.

"Hello, Miss..." the doctor's voice trailed off as he waited for me to finish his sentence. I just stared at him in response. "Miss, would you like to tell me what's wrong?" I ignored him and stared at the mirror in the corner of the room, waiting for my reflection to move without me. He followed my gaze and said, "Ah, yes. Mirrors. Nasty little things, aren't they? If you're not careful, something could come out." I slowly turned my head towards him and saw his face. It was no longer a human face, but the face of a monster from your worst nightmare. It had long, sharp yellow teeth which were dripping with black goo and where it's eyes should've been were blood red, bottomless holes.

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