A New Chapter

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     "Brring! Brringg!" The phone repeatedly buzzed. "Ugh. When I wanted to go back to school I totally forgot about the waking up early part." I groaned, hitting the 'stop' button on my phone. With a loud yawn, I was up and out of my bed. Soon enough, I was dressed and out the door, ready to conquer this first day of high school. "OMG. Can you guys believe it?! Today is the day we begin this whole new chapter of our lives. It's the day we've all been waiting for!" I texted my friends, my best friends since kindergarten. Sadly, we're all parting ways this year, high school and all. We're taking our own paths. But it was going to be just fine. We would find new friends in a jiffy, no problem, we're one social bunch. Our friendship, on the other hand, would also be the same, the only different thing was we wouldn't see one another at school. We'd meet after school, maybe grab a bite to eat, chat, study, almost like old times, nothing new... well at least that's how we're hoping it to be. "Hey not all of us have been waiting for this day....I've been dreading this day like no other." Replied Ashley. "Yeah, me too, just the thought of homework scares me" But I got admit, you're inspirational writing  pieces get better by the minute! Although, sorry they're just not persuasive enough for me to find some excitement in going back to school, and hello... news flash, we're talking about HIGH SCHOOL here, no more elementary.. fun and games. Added Jess, with several laughing emojis. "Oh I love you two no matter how different our opinions are. But, I got to go, don't want to be late for my first day! Good luck guys! Bye!" I clicked the side of my phone to turn it off as I jolted to my next class. Dashing into the room.

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