Were here

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We're finally here

And Katherine is freaking out...great

Honestly I don't get why people think the boys are beautiful and gorgeous.

But whatever. Katherine and I Hail down a taxi. we tell the man where to go and he drives us. we drive to a very beautiful/older looking hotel.

The man told us our total and I was about to pay until Katherine but in and she looks at me and I step away

She looks into the mans eyes and says

"We are new to this city , and you are a very kind man so you want this taxi ride on the house"

She stops compelling him and he speaks telling us that the rude was free.

Katherine and I were walking and I said

"Katherine you just can't compell random people"

"Oh come on Elena Your no fun!"

"Katherine please"


Oh incase you didn't know Katherine and I are Vampires

Yep Vampires

Nobody knows but we keep it to ourselves

***FLASHBACK 1492***

I was running from the ilusive Nadia Salvatore

She was trying to kill me because I cheated her out of a sale

I was running and I feel a piece of metal go through my heart

I woke up in a woman's house

It was Katherine's

I asked

"Where am i?"

"Hi Elena My names Katherine and your in my cottage"

"Oh ok umm I'm a little Hungry"

"Sweetie do you know what you are?"


"Elena your A Vampire"

***END OF FB***

That's how I was turned

Yep but moving on.......

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