Well well

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And with that I walked off

I had to admit to was a little to harsh but I'll figure Taylor out later. The only thing on my mind is why Nadia and Damon are here cause last time I saw those bastards I was almost dead

I look for Kathrine and find Nadia standing in my way

"Move bitch" I say with enough anger that she actually gets amused

I keep walking and as her vampire powers kick in

She is Infront of me before I knew it..she said

"Well nice to see you prissy bitch"

"Nadia, move out of my fucking way"

I keep trying to walk to find Katherine

Nadia pins me to the wall and shows her fangs and growls at me

"Not so fast..what's the hurry whore?"

"Nadia stop talking about yourself"

I'm satisfied with my come back and I slap Nadia witch now I realize was the worst mistake of my life cause that bitch snapped my neck and next thing I wake up in what seems like a basement of some sort and I spot Katherine in the corner slowly waking up


I whisper yell cause god knows what's down here

She looks around


She smiles and says

"Look who found us"

I look at the door and see Damon and Nadia

"Ew it's the slutty salvatores"

"Shut up dirty Dobrev"

"Hahaha very funny"

I fake laugh and she walks around our what seems to be a cell with a bag of blood

Human blood

I haven't smelled anything tastier than Human blood

And it's fresh

"Alright..who the fuck did you kill?"

"Not your business"

She walks over and puts it under my nose and I'm so tempted

"You can have this shot of human blood only if you tell me about that Taylor"

"Why would I tell you anything!"

"Cause this will happen.."

Damon walks over to a lever and pulls it and sun shines and I notice

Katherine and I don't have our rings

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