Ill be here

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(A month later)
Chances POV
Today Tessa is 12 weeks along.this has been hard for her!tessas parents weren't to happy about it...but they excepted it...and my parents were handled it better they were happy!But Tessa still wasn't happy...she is scared to death.we told her she would be fine but...she's just a mess
I walked into Tessa's room that would probably be are room soon and I stopped at the door and watched her
She looked in the mirror and lifted up her shirt to show a small bump
I went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her with my hands on her stomach."hi" she said kinda upset
"Are you ok?I said looking at her face through I "something's wrong...."she said turning around to me.
"What do you mean something's wrong....Tessa...." I said starting to panic
"Chance...I was bleeding...we need to go to the doctor..."when those words left her mouth my heart sank.
We ran downstairs and nick drove is to the emergency room
(In the room)
The doctor were doing an ultrasound and Tessa was freaking out.nick was still in the waiting room so it was just us.
My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor mumbling under his breath.
Tessa:what's wrong!what happened to my baby...
Chance:what's wrong!
I started panicking and Tessa had tears forming in her eyes as the doctor turned of the machine and looked at us
Doc:I'm so's gone...
Tessa:I-i miscarried....
Tessa had tears rolling down her face
I pulled her into a hug.i didn't cry...I wasn't gonna cry in front of Tessa.
"Why...I didn't do anything wrong..."she muffled into my chest
"Sshhh I know..." I said with my voice cracking
(A half an hour went by)
Chance:tess go change back into your cloths and I'll be in the waiting room with nick ok...

She didn't say a word and just nodded.i went back into the waiting room only to make eye contact with nick
Nick:what happened is the baby ok?

I stood there and I had my hands in my hoodie and I looked up at nick and my eyes got read and I said "she-she..."
Nick:what happened....
"We lost the baby nick...."
I let a single tear roll down my face but I wiped it away trying to be strong
"Is she ok..." nick asked with a shocked expression
"She's...messed up"
It went silent for a bit and then Tessa came out and layer her head on my shoulder still crying a little
"Let's just get you two home..." nick said kinda shook

The whole ride was silent but you could still hear Tessa crying
I held her in my arms and tried to calm her down I even rubbed patterns on her leg with my thumb.
I hated seeing her like this...
(At the team ten house)
Me and Tessa walked through the door holding hands her eyes were red and puffy and I didn't make eye contact with anyone.
They all come running to us...they were asking all these questions
They all kept asking questions
They keep on talking
She ran upstairs crying
Everyone's attention went to me
I looked up at everyone with tears streaming from my eyes.i walked upstairs and went into Tessa's room
"B-babe...."I said sitting down on her bed wrapping my arm around her

Tessa's POV
"Chance ....I...."
Then I got a phone call from a unknown number.
"I'm gonna take this..." I said walking outside

???:hey baby girl I heard about your miscarriage. *laughs*

Tessa:it's not-how do u even know about that! Who are you!

???:oh just meet me at ******************

Tessa:why should I!?!?

???:because if you don't then that chance kid is mine.

Tessa:what do you mean!

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