self care

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some self care ideas:

1. teach yourself to relax, and practice relaxation as soon as you feel stressed.

2. pay attention to what you eat and drink

3. a warm bath or shower can help muscles relax , and ease the tension in your muscles and mind

4. talking to someone who accepts us as we are - and is nonjudgmental - is highly therapeutic

5. realize there are things that are out of our control- and some situations we clearly can't change

6. reward and indulge yourself with things that you enjoy so you feel respected and valued as a person. ( for example get your hair or nails done)

7. make an effort to establish and maintain a work/ life balance. you need to make time for your hobbies and to hang out with your friends

8. organize your time and prioritize your task. you'll feel a lot let anxious if you get those things done in time

9. recognize that you have limits and enforce your boundaries. if you live with too much pressure you'll end up overwhelmed

10. keep a sense of humor - smile and laugh throughout the day

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