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I don't remember his appearance.

I didn't even know his name.

I just remember a boy in hurry, who lost something on his way.

But where did his way lead to?

Why was he in hurry?

My eyes followed the paper, which was flying through the crowd of people. It blend in with the cold breeze from the autumn wind, that blew through my hazel hair.

Without hesitation I made my way to the paper and grabed the thin object, which border was similary to a knife tip.

I took a small look on the thin object and saw a drawing on it and gulped at the sight in front of me. All of a sudden my whole body freezed and I couldn't make a step forward. My breathing became heavier and my heartbeat went crazy.

"What in the world-", was the only thing, that came out of my mouth.

It was a exact drawing of my face, which was quite detailed. Under the strangers drawing was a small but tidy signature, which said 'Jeon Jeongguk'.

Seconds later my glance went to the way, where the stranger was hurried to and I felt a highly uncomfortable atmophere.

Who the hell are you 'Jeon Jeongguk' and where did your way lead to?

I hope your way did not lead to my route.

a/n: Please don't blame me! English is not my first language. Some of you asked me to write an english story again and guess what- here it is. I hope you like it so far-!

stalking stranger | taekook Where stories live. Discover now