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It was already midnight after the sudden happening and you could see the stars on the deep-black sky, that resemble thousand of little diamonds in a stunning way, but for that was the tension at my home so thick, that you could cut it with a knife.

Soon after I had this following uncomfortable feeling again, that soaked through my whole body, which wouldn't let go of me since the event at midday today, so I made my way after a great deal of hesitation to the bathroom and looked the door behind me.

I felt the cold tiles under my feet and looked exhausted in the mirror with a blank expression. My hands find their way to the vanity basin, while I lowerd my head and closed my eyes to come down a bit.

After a little while my phone started to ring, which was still in the parlor on the sofa, so I roamed to the ringing tone and accepted the call.

"What took you so long, you dumb-ass?", I heard a high-pitched chuckled on the other side, which belonged to Jimin, who was my preschool friend.

"Sorry, dude. Your call scared me and I had almost a heart attack", I smiled relivied.

"What crazy shit are you watching, that I scared you?", giggled the boy. "Anyways, do you have time tomorrow?"

"I guess so?", I answered and sat down on the sofa with a sigh.

"Tomorrow I need someone to help me with some assigment, which my professor want to be ready at wednesday. Would you do that with me, please?", he asked politly and I could see his pouty lips through the call, while I smiled to myself.

"Everything what you want", I couldn't resist myself. "Tell me where and I will come."

"Meet me at 2pm at Starbucks, I reckon on you", said the black-haired boy.

"I'll be there, Jimin. I promise."

"Well, see you tomorrow", he said, while he let out a big sigh.

"See you", with that I ended the call and put my phone beside me and had a softly smile on my lips.

Shortly after I made my way to my cozy-warm bed, which is pretty big and have tones of pillows on it. I snuggled myself into the soft fabric of blanket and soon after I fallen asleep and forgot about the event, which happend not so long ago.

a/n: It's just a little filler, but I promise the next chapters wont be so boring. :)

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