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Tyler kissed me!

''What was that for?'' I asked

''Kylie I really like you, more then you can imagine. I'm sorry for not telling you what the fight was about.''

''Tyler... I like you to.''

I was mad at him but it's true I really did like Tyler ever since detention he's just been do nice

''Do you want to be my girlfriend?''


He approached me and enveloped me into a hug

I'm Tyler's girlfriend.

Shoot what about cole


I took out my phone and texted cole

Kylie- Hey I don't think we can go on that date

Cole- Oh ok, I understand

Kylie- sorry

I put my phone away and headed to the bathroom and got ready for class. I pulled on a tight black crop top with blue jeans.

I walked Cary and stopped in front of he coffee shop, I saw Cole, Hayden, and Spencer followed by Max

I felt kinda hurt, why didn't they invite me


''Every one please take there seat.'' The teacher spoke

I yawned and did as told

Tyler was sitting next to me with a huge smile on his face, I looked over at Cole and he looked mad. Like he was about to punch someone mad

''Hey, Cole.''

''Hi.'' He said bluntly

''Are you mad at me.''

''No.'' He said a little annoyed

''Yes Cole you are, I'm sorry I couldn't go on that date with you.''

''I honestly don't care but next time you cancel things, it would be nice to hear an expiation from you instead of hearing it from Tyler rubbing it in my face, do whatever the hell you want but I'm done with you. Go have fun with Tyler.'' 

Cole stood up and walked out

I glanced over at Tyler who was taking notes from the board

The teacher walked over to me

''Kylie I will see you at detention this afternoon.'' He handed me a pink slip that wrote, 'Detention 1 hour'


Tyler was trying to hold back at laugh

''What?'' I said with a smile

''Cole was the one who left but you got punished for it.'' He was now bursting out laughing

''Tyler, why don't you join her. Since you think this is so funny.''

This time I was the one trying to hold in a laugh

''Good job.'' I said

''What was that Ms. Johnson?''

''Nothing.'' I said bluntly

The bell rang loudly

I stood up and walked and walked out of the room

''That was funny.'' This random boy said

''Thanks I guess.''

I continued to walk but he just followed behind me

''Can I help you with something.'' I spoke up

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