Chapter 8: If you love him, you gotta let him go... even if it's for a bit

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Previously on Healing a Broken Heart...
He nodded in confirmation. "By the way, when am I going to get out of this hell hole?" Oswald just chuckled in return. I smirk and look back out the window. I wish these nightmares would just end. Sadly, the nightmares have just begun.

Oswald's POV
  Would you believe me if I said I was getting better? Yes? I'll take any answer really. I guess being with Jessie has started to mend my broken heart. I still refuse to talk to anybody except her, my brother, and children though. Jessie finally got out of the hospital after lots of begging. Yesterday, she was right about the nightmares just beginning. I guess you could say I've gotten a little too overprotective. "Oswald, I can go to the store by myself!" Whined Jessie.
  I gave her a stern look. "I am not, I repeat, not letting you get hurt again", I say.

"But- "


  Jessica crossed her arms. "Fine! Come on Rose and Adrien!" She shouts. "Coming!" Two similar voices respond. Rose and Adrien run up beside her. As we walk walked to the store, it felt as if something was watching us. The hairs on the back of my head stood up. My nerves were acting. My blue eyes darted around in panic. "Hey, Oswald, do you feel as if we're being... watched?" Asked Jessie. I nod as I bite my lip. Life sure is being a pain in the butt. "I think we could go to the store another day. Let's go, I don't like the feeling of being outside without the others", says Jessie with worry shining brightly in her eyes.
  "Yeah, let's-" I stop mid- sentence when I had saw two red eyes watching us from the shadows. My blue eyes widen in fear and surprise. I would never forget the day he hurt the person I held dearly in my heart. I growl lowly and glare at the two red orbs that stood out among the shadows. They seemed to glow brighter for a second then they disappeared. I scowl at the place the eyes once were. "What were you about to say?" Asked Jessie. "Huh? Oh...I was about to say let's go", I say.
  Jessie's eyes narrowed before she smiled. "Okay, let's go see the others", she says. I smile. We walk down the stree slightly faster than normal and look around warily. Actually now that I think about it, the streets seemed to be less crowded than usual. I gulp. Somethings definitely not right. The hairs on the back of my head stood up. I whipped around to see nothing, but a few amount of people in the streets. Suddenly, the people stilled and every sound that I was hearing disappeared as if something snatched it away quickly.
  Jessie, Rose, and Adrien stood beside me with wide eyes. "O-Oswald... I'm scared..." whispered Jessie. "Why everyone... stop?" I look around at the people frozen mid walk. Dark laughter cut through the air like it was butter. I bit my lip as my eyebrows furrowed. "He's here", I say. The frozen people's heads suddenly snapped towards. Their eyes no longer held pupils and were all black. We all gasp. "You weren't supposed to drop your guard, now you'll pay dearly~" he sang. The townspeople stalked towards us as if they were mindless zombies.
  "Run! Take the kids and run!" I shout to Jessie. She had tears in her eyes in her pink eyes. (OML! This is so cheesy! I think I'm turning into cheese!😱) Jessie picks up the kids. I yank her towards me and smash my lips on to hers. She instantly melts into. When we disconnect I hug her. "Find the others and tell them to get out of here. I'll be behind you as soon as I can... I love you", I say as tears cascade down her beautiful face. She lets out a loud sob as the zombie started to get a little too close for my comfort.
  "No! I don't want to leave you!" She yells. "Jessie, please, I want you and the kids to be safe! I don't want you to die! I love you too much for that to happen!" I exclaim. Now I was crying. The zombies were starting to get too close. "If you loved me, then you would let me go." Jessie sobbed loudly. The kids started to cry. She looked at me once more before turning. "Oswald..."



"I love you and don't you dare die on me or else I'll bring you back and kill you again, baka."

"I love you too. Don't die on me either, bye."

  She was already gone. I turned to the zombies who had surrounded me right after she left. I was not going down without a fight. I growled as he started to speak. "Anyone who befriends or falls in love with Jessie is on my to murder list~" he laughs crazily. "Anyone who tries to kill is on my to beat the crap out of list!" I shout back. He laughs darkly once more before commanding his zombie minions to attack. I didn't want to hurt the innocent people. The best I could do is knock the out. I punch the first one to come at me hard in the head and knock him out.

Jessie's POV
  Tears streamed down my face as I ran towards the big circus tent. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my stomach. I wince.

No not now! Please not now!

  I run into the tent, collapse in front of the others and scream out in pain as the ink illness runs its course through me. Rose and Adrien bring me a bucket and not a moment too soon because as soon as they hand it to me I throw up ink into it. Tears of pain and grief mixed into the ink. After the illness passes I let out a loud wail. Mickey comes over and comforts me. "Why me? What did do to make him hate me so much?! I lost another person I love! Life is unfair!" I shout.
  Mickey hugs me. Oswald's children join. Then, Bendy, Boris, and Donald. I only sob louder.

Why did I have to be so right?
*Ducks as a pitchfork is thrown at my head*

I know! I know! It's been a while since I've last updated this book. I've been reasearching for more inspiration while slowly making chapter 8. I will be revealing who the shadow person is in chapter 9. I won't be able to put any more pictures in this story anymore. Sowwy! By the way, would you guys do me a favor and check out my original fiction? It's called, Legend of the Wings of Fate: Airbound Princess. I want to know if I should countinue it. Their are four parts in it so far. Buh-bye my Kawaii Bunnies! 😄😎😍

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