Chapter 7: The Nightmares Have Only Just Begun

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Jessie's POV(In Nightmare)
  I was running. Running from him. Their screams of pain rang in my ears taunting me. I could only see a few feet in front me. "Oh, Jessie! Where are you~" he sang somewhere near me. Fresh tears made their way from my tear ducts. My eyesight began to fail me and the dark world began to blur.
"Are you over here?" I hear him question. A loud crash sounded out behind me. Where am I?, I thought. My tears began to flow faster as I ran faster. My eyesight suddenly cleared up and I noticed I was running through a beautiful field. I trip over my feet and land on my face. I spit out grass and look behind me to see a tree laying on its side six yards away.
It had been cut down and standing beside it with an insane grin was him. My ears flattened in fear as I tried to get up, but only to be held down by what seemed to be tree branches. "Oh lookie here! I caught a wild Jessie! What should I do with her?" He asked himself.
"What are you going to do to me?" I whimper. He pretended to think. "Mmm...sorry can't tell you that. Anyways, Nighty-Night, Kitty Cat!" He said and then something hard and metallic connected with my head.
I shot up in cold sweat. I looked at my surroundings in panic until I realized I was still in the hospital. I pulled my legs up to my chest and rocked back and forth. Could my life get any worse? Suddenly, the door slams open and I see the one true thing I didn't really want to see.
"Did'ya miss me, Kitty Cat?" His crimson eyes stared intensely into mine as he walked forward. I scooted to the head board of the bed in fear. Why can't I just stand up for myself for once! I have to protect what I care about and land love!I thought. Those thoughts alone gave me confidence. I ears stood back up and I stretched back out and glared at the black figure.
  "What do you want?!" I hissed. He stalked over to the end of the bed. "Oh nothing, just revenge and the blood of you and your friends on my hands," he said calmly. I growled. "You can't kill them! They have nothing to do with this, you idiotic shadow-person...thingy!" I shout. He froze and he, somehow, teleported to the side of my bed, grabbed my neck and slammed my head into the wall behind me.
  I gasped for air. I was in an uncomfortable position with the headboard digging painfully in my back. I cried out in pain. Tears started to fall down my face again. I clawed at his hand (?). "Maybe you should learn some manners. You don't talk to someone like that~! The only one who is idiotic is you! You can't seem to learn when to not speak when I'm speaking!" He snarled as he slammed my head into the wall again.
Oswald's POV(You didn't expect that did you?)
  I was walking down the halls of the hospital to visit Jessie. I was a few feet from the door when I heard her screams of pain and the voice of another person telling her shut it. My eyes widen and I run to the door. I look into the small window on the door. I gasp. A person I could barely see had his/her hand (?) around Jessie's throat.
  Her face turned purple and she clawing at the person's hand and kicked to get free. Without thinking, I slammed open the door. "LET HER GO!" I shouted. Jessie looked at me with fear, happiness, tear, and surprise filled eyes. The mystery person only glared at me. "We'll finish this later," he or she growled. Then, they disappeared. I didn't know why, but I just felt the need to protect Jessie like I did with Ortensia.
  Could I be in love with my friend?
Jessie's POV
  As I gasped for air, I stared at Oswald in wonder. He had actually spoken. I felt my face turn back to the original color it was. I stalked over to Oswald and stared at him questionably. "Who was that?" He asks quietly, almost shyly. "I don't know. Someone from my past that I, apparently, know, did something bad to, and then got minor amnesia", I say.
  "But never mind that, you talked!" He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, sheepishly. I smile at him. "I like your voice", I said without thinking. When we both realized what I just said we blushed and looked away quickly. Oswald's getting better! He's starting to actually talk! I glanced at him once more before I sighed and went over to the window.
  I look out of it and watched as many people walked by. "How's everybody been doing since I've been in the hospital?" I asked. He shrugged. "Worried a lot", He says. "I miss the thrill of acrobatics", I say. "H-hey, Jessie, d-do you think I should get back into the circus?" asked Oswald quietly. "It depends on what you want to do. Sometimes it's best to just life show you the way instead of trying to force things that you aren't to do, yet", I explain.
  He nodded in confirmation. "By the way, when am I going to get out of this hell hole?" Oswald just chuckled in return. I smirk and look back out the window. I wish these nightmares would just end. Sadly, the nightmares have just begun.
Hi guys! It's me QFTIMFOREVER! I just wanted you guys to know that I probably will be on wattpad less thanks to school. But, anyways, I hope you liked the chapter. For now on I will, occasionally, be doing sneak peeks of some of the chapters. I have finished the drawings of Rose and Adrien, but Wattpad won't let me upload their pictures. Sadly, I'll have to do it another time. Bye my Kawaii Bunnies!😄😄


Healing a Broken Heart--a QFTIM Oswald x Oc Story (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now