Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Hook reached the certain spot he wanted to be. He also reached the certain time he wanted to leave. Hook opened up the chest, revealing a jar.

"Hey Hook?" Harry asked looking up at him, where he was at the ships wheel.

"Call me Killian, Harold." Hook said smiling down at Harry.

"Okay, so Killian why do you have a jar of dirt?"

"Jar of dirt? Jar of dirt, you think this is a jar of dirt. My boy don't you see this not a jar of dirt. This is..." Killian trailed off not wanting to explain that it was something else and not a jar of dirt. "My boy, if you don't mind me asking where is your master."

"My master? Oh you mean Louis." Killian wanted to smack his head because the boy was a complete idiot, but he didn't. "He's down in the lower deck sleeping in a loft."

"Well don't just stand there. Go wake him up." Harry runs towards the lower deck tripping over his feet as he did. He reached Louis, pushing him the loft so he would fall off.

Louis looked up at Harry with an angry expression. "What the hell was that for?"

"Killian wants you." Harry said smiling down at him.

"Who the hell is Killian?" Louis asked standing up. Harry walked up the stairs Louis following him. "Styles tell me who this f-ing Killian person is!"

"Tomlinson shut up, Killian is my real name. Killian Jones. I've stopped using that name when my hand got cut off a long time ago." Killian opened up the jar pinching a bit of 'dirt' in between his fingers, flicking it into Harry's eyes. He did the same to Louis.

They both rubbed at their eyes, trying to get it out. When they did, they looked at Killian with a questioning look. A glowing light came from jar; it held a yellow sparkling dust.

"What is th-" Louis wasn't able to finish his sentence.

"It's pixie dust. This is going to make us fly and it made you see that this jar wasn't filled with dirt." Hook cut him off and started to rub pixie dust on the sides of the boat and the front and back of the boat. The boat floated into the sky. Hook ran to his wheel stirring the boat toward the North Star.

As they entered through the star, bright neon colors swirled around them. Harry and Louis' faces were in awe. They thought they had to be at least dreaming. But the thing was, they were not, this was all real and they'll still think they're dreaming.

The boat flew out of the swirling colors and into a bright blue sky. Rainbows everywhere. Hook flew the boat into a cove; he always left his boat there when he came to Neverland. A blonde boy wearing a dark green outfit stood on the beach. He had a wide grin in his face. Hook quickly lowered the anchor and slides the ramp down so he could leave the ship. Hook ran off the boat and tackled the boy on the beach. They smothered each other with kisses.

"Killian Jones stop, you just saw me three days ago." The boy grabs onto Killian's face to make him stop.

"I know I know but I missed you so much, Peter. I brought friends, Louis and Harry. "The boy, also known as Peter, threw Hook to the side. Peter walked over to the boys. He exams them before he says anything.

"Ah so your the Louis that he's always talking about." Peter says grabbing Louis' chin with his left hand. Louis tried jerking away but it didn't work. "Aye my boy that's not going to work. You see I'm stronger than you."

"If you ever fall in love with Hook I will take your heart and make you suffer."

"I don't think I'll be falling in love with Hook, I have my own boyfriend." Louis turns his head looking at Harry. Harry just looks down. "Babe?"

Harry looks up at Louis. "I've never agreed to be your 'babe'." Harry walks back onto the ship.


It's night out, Peter made a fire close by to the ship. Hook sat on a log with Peter by his side, Louis sat by himself since Harry didn't come back to the land. He stared into the middle of the fire, not paying attention to anything around him.

A hand touched his shoulder; he looked up to see who it was. Louis thought it was Harry but it turned out to be a strange looking boy. This boy sat next to Louis giving him a warm smile as Louis gave him a small fake smile.

"I haven't seen you around before, what's your name?" The boy asked.

"Captain Louis Tomlinson. Who are you?"

"I'm Michael, Lost Boy of Pan's. So are you a friend of Captain Hook's Captain?" Louis nods his head.

"Mike leave the poor boy alone." Another boy that sat on the other side of Louis said.

"I'm just trying to talk to him Ash."

"Well shut it." The two boys started to argue. Louis couldn't take it anymore so went to go sit far away from the fire as possible. Watching the flames go up in the air, watching all the boys sitting around the fire laughing at stupid jokes and stories.

Louis hugged his knees tight against. Yes he was a tough pirate Captain but he's never been around people that are so friendly to him. His crew hated him; the only people that actually liked him were Liam, Niall, and Perrie. Of course his sister Lottie was going to hate him because that's family and normally brother sister relationship works for them. His crew hated him because he became Captain at a young age, always yelling at them and threatening to kill them. He thought back to when his father was Captain of The Pearl.

Louis' father was a good Captain, the crew loved him. He knew how to have a good time but when it came to fighting other pirates he barked orders at the crew. Louis wanted to be like his dad but it didn't happen that way. He never did become his father he became himself as a captain, barking orders at all time.

Louis lay down on the soft sand below him, closing his eye very so slowly. Trying to get some sleep with all the loud noise next to him.

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