The Cave ~ Chapter 2

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We all ran till our legs went numb and after that just continued to run, we needed to get as far away from Helgen and that metallic bird as quickly as possible. Nobody spoke for hours, I'm not sure whether that's because they were too shocked to speak after what happened or they were conserving whatever energy they had left to continue full on sprinting. It was most probably both. Ulfric lead and Ralof was close behind him, with me and 5 other Vox Populi following closely. The thief was quite far behind and couldn't keep up. But that's when I noticed a strange woman running with us. We had been so focused on retreating Helgen that no one spotted her or realized she was running with us. I was about to raise this in case she was a danger to our new group of survivors however one of the Vox brought it up before I could. "Woah woah, slow down a minute" He said panting then bending over to put his hands on his knees, "who the fuck is this?" Ralof and Ulfric came to a halt and readied their weapons but not to show that they were going to go all crazy and slice this girl up and put her in their evening stew. "Now lets not use that language infront of this dear lady men" Ulfric said calmly while lowering his weapon and nodding at the others to do so too as he thought she meant no harm. "Now the pretty lady, who are you and why are you following us huh."

She stepped back a little then built up the courage to speak "I was in the barracks cleaning some guards stuff when the songbird attacked and when you all armed yourselves and retreated, I came with you as you looked like you knew what you were doing." We all stood in silence for a minute and she started to look scared. Until Ralof said "The songbird?" As if he was asking her to explain. "You know, that big ass mother fucker who you were all running from, its the songbird." She spoke as if it was obvious to us all when none of us had the slightest idea. Ulfric shook his head and went "Well ok then, lets keep going we don't want the son......" Before he could finish his sentance a shriek from the songbird came from Helgen, "Get down!" The new girl shouted! We all dropped to floor and looked up to try and spot the songbird. "There!" One of the Vox shouted as it flew over our heads. It then came back around and started to get closer to us. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck, what are we gonna do!" One of the Vox said while looking at Ulfric for an answer. "Ulfric says we either fight or run for it, Ive never been a running man but that is one big bird, made of metal I might add, and we have axes, bows and swords and there's only 9 of us!" I searched the area for somewhere to go when I say the thing again. It was the faceless skinny suited......being. It stared right at me even though it still had a face with no features at all. He lifted his arm up the pointed to a mountain at the end of the forest we were laying in. I could see a cave in the rock. I squinted to try and the cave a little better, It looked like a place we could use for cover. At the same time Ulfric stood up and screamed at the bird "Come get some you ugly whore!" Ulfric must have hurt his feelings as the bird squawked and started to descend quicker. I realized we needed to leave and get to cover and fast! I didn't trust the being at all, but I knew it was our only chance of survival so I spoke for the first time since I had met Ralof, Ulfric and the thief. "Come on, follow me I know where to go! We will get this thing later, just trust me and follow me now!!!" Everyone swung there heads towards me and also saw the caves and started to run after me as I had started sprinting after I had finished speaking. 

We reached the cave with no casualties and half of us collapsed as soon as we got in due to exhaustion. I started to continue on in the cave as the others gossiped about how close they were to becoming the metallic birds happy meal. I ventured on and realised why the tall skinny faceless thing wanted me to come into the cave. There was notes telling me to keep going and that I was getting closer. Closer to what? Why does he want me to go this way? I started to debate in my head going this way till I couldnt any longer. Because I reached my destination. It was a box with a bottle in it. I picked it up and observed it a little bit. It contained a red liquid. I took the lid of and smelt inside. Odourless. I shrugged my shoulders and pushed the tp of the bottle to my lips and drank the whole bottle. Tasteless. The new girl shouted "No!" As I just finished the drink and I spun around as I jumped due to her scaring the hell out of me. I look at her confused but I instantly knew why she told me to stop. It was to late. There was no turning back. My vision blurred, my throat and body started to burn like I just jumped into the sun, I started screaming and dropped the bottle as and it smashed into the ground. The others were alerted by this and ran over to where the screaming came from. They instantly stopped beside the new girl as I kneeled on the ground screaming in pain as my body burned. My hands started to grow black crystals on them for about 2 seconds until they suddenly disappeared and I returned to normal. No burning. And my vision was fine. I collapsed on the floor. I was about to faint, but I heard Ulfric and the new girl talk before I did. "What the fuck just happened to him!" Ulfric exclaimed. "He drank a vigor..." She answered. "A what?..... Nevermind is he Alive?" She came over and checked my pulse. Confused she stood up and said, "Yes, but she shouldnt be, ill explain later, lets just wait till he wakes up." I didnt hear the rest of the conversation, it all went black. But honestly, I wish I never drank that 'vigor', it would lead onto a series of events that would change the fate of columbia. And the war.........

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