Chapter 2

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The first thing I notice about the school as we enter the gates was the students. Teenagers that were clad in black uniforms were everywhere, milling around and chatting, though they seemed to pause what they were doing to look over at Ikuto and I. But I know that they're not focusing on me, but on Ikuto instead. He's always been a monstrosity of attractiveness. The idiot is practically a chick magnet.

"They seem to be really digging you, I'm not even kidding. But those girls gawking at you are being stupid." I scoff, glancing around at them. They're mainly the only ones who seem to give a damn about him.

"What, you jealous?" Ikuto replies, a half smirk gracing his lips.

"You wish." I glared up at him. "I don't care about anyone's popularity." I avert my gaze at the sight of his smirk growing. That damn cat likes irritating me. He sees it as a game. I guess he has for years.

I'd like to say that the expressions on the faces of the girls watching him was normal and not threatening, but that would be a lie. They're hella creepy. The term 'fangirls' isn't one I'd use to describe them. 'Obesseive psychopaths' seems more fitting. Eyes are burning into me, and it scares me. I'd never experienced this sort of reaction by being in Ikuto's presence.

I suddenly grab Ikuto's arm, clutching onto it. "Don't get the wrong idea. I just don't want to get swarmed by those damn 'fangirls', not that I find them unsettling." I turn my face away.

"Yeah right. You'll be fine." He replies, draping his arm over my shoulder, walking by the girls, as if they weren't of any importance to him. I tighten my grip, feeling my cheeks flush, leaning away from them. They're starting to really scare me.

"Do they really not bother you in the slightest?"

He hums in acknowledgement as we go to our shoe lockers, swapping our outdoor shoes for indoor ones.

"Ikuto, are you even listening?"

"The Entrance Ceremony should be starting soon, come on." Ikuto tells me, brushing off my words as we follow several more students who are heading towards what I can assume is the auditorium.

Through the open doors, I can see several chairs in rows, some occupied by students. There doesn't seem to be too many, but then again, only the sons and daughters of families who work for Easter attend this school. Maybe around 300 teenagers attend school here.

Ikuto and I sit down, and wait for the ceremony to begin. It doesn't take much longer for the headmaster to step up to the podium on stage and start talking. What he says, I don't really pay attention to. It's probably just a 'polite' welcoming and going over rules and things everyone already knows. I don't really care, so I make up something more interesting inside my head.

"Hey, coral-head." A sharp poke in the shoulder follows the words, and I look over.

"Stupid cat, I keep telling you to stop calling me that!" I say sharply, glaring.

"Then don't call me stupid cat." His response was as smooth as if he had practiced, and that pissed me off. "The assembly's over." He adds, and as if it's on cue, a few teachers attempt to shove students out of the auditorium, telling them to go to their classrooms.

"Whatever, I guess I'll see you later." I walk away from the rows of chairs, joining the small crowd. My eyes scan the signs above each door for Class 1-C. It has to be on the first floor, I'm sure of it.

Once I read the sign confirming where I need to be, I slip into the classroom, taking in the sight. It's nothing strange, a neat room with about 20 desks and teenage students. I recognize some classmates from my middle school, though I don't bother speaking to anyone else as I look for a seat. All the desks in the back and next to the windows are occupied, (Not that I'm disappointed, I wouldn't want to be cliche) so I settle for one of the seats near the door. I want to be out of class as soon as I can. I don't think it'd end up being too enjoyable getting trampled anyways.

"Looks like you're in my class again."

My gaze lands on the girl standing in front of me. It's Utau. She looks as beautiful as ever, despite the cold expression gracing her face.

"Suppose you're right about that." I lean back in my chair, still staring up at her.

"Are you still just 'best friends' with my brother? He's still mine, and mine alone." Utau says with a serious tone, putting her hands on my desk and leaning forward.

"He's nothing more than a friend to me, Hoshina. You know it's not really normal to have a brother complex, you should stop." I insist, though I do have my own thoughts and fantasies about him, not that he nor Utau needs to know. Or anyone for that matter.

"I don't care if it's normal. I won't lose to anyone. Not even you." Utau warns, sitting at the desk next to mine, maybe to keep an eye on me."

"I don't like losing. I'll compete against you, Utau. I will win. And this rivalry will end, do you hear me?" I snapped at her, narrowing my eyes. Her amethyst orbs grew colder as she glared in response. Slowly, she extended her hand.

"So much for 'nothing more than a friend', Koizakari," Utau scoffs. "I'll stop being your rival if you get him to chose you over all the other girls that like him, including ME. That's how sure I am that you won't be the one."

I would probably like Utau if we hadn't been at each other's throat since we were kids. She reminds me of myself, in a way. Competitive, strong-willed, confident. Those were traits we shared.

I reached out, gripping her hand. "Maybe it's what I want deep in my heart. Whatever, I'll stay away from him if you manage to beat his fangirls to the punch. You'll eat your words when I win, Utau." She grasps my hand almost as hard as I grasp hers.

"So be it." She moved her hand in a firm handshake, and I do as she does.

I won't lose to her, or to anyone else. I can't let someone take Ikuto from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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