1 -Going Nowhere-

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Hello! Give this story a chance, it'll be worth it! I promise! xoxo Abby

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Hazel knew her day was going to end in a series of very unfortuante events the minute she got out of bed. Maybe it was the misrable London weather, or the fact that her rent on her one bedroom apartment was growing over her head. Whatever it was, she just knew that that tuesday, would be a day where everything and anything terrible would happen. And it would most certainly be a day she would never forget.

She took her time picking out her outfit, she figured if her day was going to be hell, she might as well look just as hot. Her auburn hair was tied up in a bun, the red streaks she had mistakenly gotten when she was drunk were slowly fading. Her green eyes wandered over to the clock, it read 7:09 which could only mean she had six minutes to get to work; and that's when the terrible events started.


"You know Hazel," Daphne said from behind the checkout counter,"everyone has been placing bets on when you're going to get fired." Daphne chuckled, Hazel rolled her eyes and continued to the back room where she and a few others made extravagant bouquets of flowers. Working as a florist wasn't Hazels ideal job but her Aunt was just so kind to giving her a summer job before her college classes started up again. She had already changed her major six times and in Hazels world, there was no use for an extra four years of schooling just to hate your job for the rest of your life. That's exactly why she plans on dropping out. She just has to confront her parents about it first.

"Well, look who decided to show up, Miss Hazel Lynn Duncan. You're fifteen minutes late honey." Ronnie commented while picking out an array of brightly colored roses. Ronnie was Hazels cousin and when she was seven he kissed her on the mouth and that's how he ended up with a bloody nose. They were inseparable from that point on.

"Oh hush, I rushed over here and right when I was getting off the tube, I realized how much I hated my life, so, I decided to just walk really slow and think about more important things. For example, what's for lunch? Why are thongs so uncomfortable and why do they keep playing that song about a story and someone's life?" Hazel retorted, she looked over the orders that had came in, they mainly consisted of wedding bouquets (hazels favorite thing to make) and small shipments with messages to their loved ones. She sat down across from Ronnie and began trimming pink peonies.

"So you're blaming your shitty life on being fifteen minutes late? Props to you hazel, I haven't heard this excuse before." He said with a smirk, Hazel couldn't help but to laugh.

"I swear to you Ronnie, it isn't an excuse. My shitty life is always the reason for me doing things wrong. I can't help it." She laughed and continued her cutting, staying silent and listening to the rain pound down on the roof. She could hear Ronnie blabbering on about the girl he met the other day but Hazel was far into her own imagination to even care yet alone, listen. She was slowing falling far into her own world, waiting for one final push inside.

"Hazel?" Ronnie questioned, he noticed she was slowly slipping from the real world.

"Hmm?" She questioned back, not looking up but continuing cutting off stems of flowers and putting them together to make a wedding bouquet.

"I need you to deliver these for me." He said, Hazel looked up and gave him a blank look before replying with a no. "I'll buy us lunch,please? I'm already backed up on orders, I don't have time to deliver this." He pleaded.

Hazel raised an eyebrow,"So? I was fifteen minutes late and I'm not giving out my orders for other people to deliver." She sassed and went back to rearranging the colorful bouquet.

"I'll tell everybody about your little incident you had if you don't."

Hazel scoffed,"You can't just threaten me Ronnie! That's like so not fair."

"Exactly, now you can either deliver these to the Modest! Management headquarters down the road or I will tell everyone about what happened." He said proudly. Hazel hated him when he did things like this, if she wasn't at work she would've just slapped him and told him to go to hell.

"But...it's raining. My hair will get all curly and you know how long it takes for me to straighten and I just can't take that risk! Don't you care about my health?" Hazel said trying to stay serious but burst out in a fit of giggles.

"Hazel, honey, you don't give two shits about your hair. Now go before I call your Mother." Hazel shook her head and laughed. She gently picked up the vase full of flowers and the address, even though she walked past the building everyday.


Her wet sneakers squeaked on the tile floor, she felt out of place in the big lobby where so many people who've made millions walk through daily.

"Excuse me," Hazel asked the receptionist shyly,"I have a delivery for um Lou...Lou Teasdale." She said looking back at the lady who seemed to be more interested in her nails than Hazel.

"She's on the fourteenth floor, return this when you're done." She said annoyed, handing Hazel a pass to get through. She smiled and began towards the elevator after flashing the security guard the pass. The elevator button dinged and Hazel entered pressing the correct floor number before she scrunched herself up in one of the corners.

Hazel jumped at the sight of a blonde boy running inside of the elevator and pushing the button furiously till the door closed. He was panting heavily and from what Hazel could hear over his loud breath was a series of curse words. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh,"Sugartit?"

He laughed,"Oh, sorry." He said apologizing, Hazel was well aware that she was in the elevator with Niall Horan. She wasn't phased though or at a loss of words.

"Don't apologize, it's just a word." She stated with a slight grin, he smiled back at her. Just like that her minute was up. There was a sudden jerk that sent some water to spill out of the rose vase and for Hazel and Niall to both simultaneously yell 'fuck'.

"Why did the lights turn off?" Niall asked confused as the emergency red light illuminated the small elevator.

"We're screwed!" Hazel said with her head down. Niall punched the emergency button a few times but nothing happened. There was a small muffled sound coming through the small speaker that was just below the floor buttons.

"We apologize for this inconvenience and we plan to get this elevator and you two out in an hour. Once again, we apologize." The voice said. Niall and I both groaned.

Hazel knew her day was going to suck but, being stuck inside a small elevator with a cocky pop-star who says "sugartit" really tops the cake.

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