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"I absolutely love what you've done with this place!" He sighed enthusiastically, his eyes scanning the large archways and beautiful details as they walked up the staircase, "The architecture and design is to die for!"

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"I absolutely love what you've done with this place!" He sighed enthusiastically, his eyes scanning the large archways and beautiful details as they walked up the staircase, "The architecture and design is to die for!"

He felt guilty for leaving Gaston alone, but he couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend a few nights in luxury at the Prince's castle. Gaston could handle himself – Right?

Ignoring his conflicted thoughts, his attention moved to focus on the large doors as they opened. A taller, slim man stood in the doorway with a hesitant grin on his lips, "Good afternoon, your highness," He sang, his eyes locked on her.

"Lumiere, be a doll and show our guests to their rooms in the East wing." The queen told him with a smile as she continued moving forward. There was a bit of force and secrecy behind her tone as she hummed, "I'll be with my husband until he leaves."

"Of course, my queen," Lumiere sang, his features falling as he turned to greet the shorter man with a glare on his brow, "I will escort you to your rooms."

"Lumiere, will you please tell me why --?" The older gentleman stormed into the room, but paused at the sight of the man following his friend. His eyes widened, and Darcy noticed the hesitation behind his words as he avoided the man standing beside her, "Welcome to our home, Mademoiselle."

He looked to Darcy, introducing himself with a bow, "My name is Henri Cogsworth, head of household." He turned to the little man, his tone becoming less playful as he spoke, "What brings you to the castle, Monsieur LeFou?"

"He's with me," Darcy stepped forward, noticing how LeFou's head turned to face the ground. Both men turned to look at her, having unexpected to hear such a forceful tone, "Now, will you escort us to our rooms or will we have to find them ourselves?"

"Of course," Lumiere shared a concerned glance with the older gentleman, and they moved toward the stairs. She flashed a small smile to LeFou and they followed the pair to the East Wing. They whispered to one another, bickering the entire walk until they entered a beautiful hallway, "For you, Mademoiselle," Lumiere sang as we approached the last door in the hall, "The Grand Suite."

Cogsworth cleared his throat, catching their attention before Lumiere had the chance to open the door. They all turned to see him standing beside a nearby door, "Monsieur, you will be staying right next door."

LeFou walked toward him and glanced into the beautiful room. He thanked the man, but only received a cold glare in return. Cogsworth scurried to stand beside Lumiere with a huff and ignored LeFou as he entered his room.

The doors to the larger room opened to reveal a beautiful suite of blue and gold, decorated perfectly to accent the small details that floated around the room, "It's beautiful, thank you!" She sighed in awe, refusing to look back at the men.

"We shall notify you when dinner is served," Henri Cogsworth told her sternly, glancing at Lumiere for a moment before turning away.

"Enjoy your time in the castle, mademoiselle," Lumiere sang, telling her, "Don't hesitate to call if you need anything at all."

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