♪ Op.1

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"Those boys are such handfuls, are they?" Ringo sighed as he slumped back in the couch inside the president's office. The president of the agency, on the other hand, was laughed like the energetic man he is.

"HA HA HA. EVOLUUUUUTION AND REVOLUTION. Those boys will surely fly HIGHER AND HIGHER. YES THEY WILL." Saotome leaps over to his desk and sits down in the chair. A glint shone through his dark sunglasses.

"Perhaps," Ringo slowly agreed with the eccentric ex-idol. "but it was nice for them to to give us a few months before finalizing the dates for the decisive concert." Ringo sighs again as he remembers what happened that night. Quartet Night had initially won, but they decided to do a redo with STARISH and HEAVENS as their competitors. Somehow, the judges agreed.

"BUT," Saotome exclaims. "It gives us a chance to have their popularity SKYROCKET."

He exaggerates the final word by having his arm fly past him like a rocket before quickly taking out his phone and dialed a number. "And I know EXACTLY who will help."

Ringo, perplexed by his abrupt act, furrowed his brow and pouted in confusion. "And who is that will help with whatever you're thinking off?"

Saotome chuckled as he waited for the person on the other side to pick up.

"The Siren."

"Hello?....Yes, I'm almost there...Yes, it's has been a while...Of course. I understand...Then, goodbye."

The blonde hung up and sighed. She was being called back by the president of the agency and on such short notice as well.

"The president knows I'm busy this time," She muttered to herself as she stared out the tinted window of the limousine. The green scenery seemed to rush pass her every time she zoned out. She told the president that she would get her on her own, but as soon she ended the call, the limousine was already there, so she had no choice but to go. Finally, she arrived.

"It's been a while." She says to herself after she stepped out of the vehicle and admired the old villa-like buildings in front of her. Vines crawled up the faded cream colored walls and rows of shrubbery and flowers lined up against the exterior.

A gentle summer breeze swept her slightly curled locks back and she looks over to her right. There stood a simple, quaint gazebo shining a pearly white out on the edge of the crystal blue lake. She started to smile unconsciously as she reminisced about the fond memories she had over there. The memories she'll never relive. "Looks like nothing's changed."

She snaps out of her thoughts and started walking towards the buildings with her light blue Fravel suitcase and a guitar bag slung over her shoulder. As she entered through the grand doors, she noticed that the hallways were absolutely silent. The dark red carpet muffled the clicks and taps of her 4-inch white heels and also reduced the sound of her humming a well-known tune from certain shining diamonds.

The blonde stops in front of a door with a small golden name plaque on the side of the door indicating who's office. In this case, it read "Shining Saotome". She took a deep breath before knocking on the door. A low, but audible, 'come in' could be heard through the door and she stepped in. She sees that the room is empty with the exception of the chair behind the study desk was turned away from her.

"It's been a while, President." She says in a business tone. After her little greeting, the blonde hears a low chuckle coming from over the desk, which turned into loud laughter.

"MISSSSS HA-NEULLLLL. WELLLCOME BACK." He shouts as the chair quickly spun around, revealing the eccentric ex-idol. Ha-Neul giggles, the back of her hand went up over her lips - a habit she had picked up over the years.

【REWRITING】 Siren of the Sky (An UtaPri FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now