Kisame X Reader Lemon

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             Jumping from side to side you were barely able to dodge your partners attack. "Keep moving babe!" Kisame called out hands flying through more jutsu's that you knew how. "Damn it I'm trying, but you being shirtless is kinda distracting!" you called back. Smirking, the male flashed away then reappeared behind you. "You know, you should never let an enemy get behind you." Kisame chuckled before sending a wave flying at you sending you flying into the nearby lake. "Damn it Kisame! I was just wet earlier!" You shouted springing from the water. "Oh really, now why is that?" Kisame chuckled stalking up to you. "Oh, it's just because my boyfriend has the hottest body out of all the other males my base, and that said jerk has dumped me into this same lake over a dozen times." You drawled jumping out of the water. Grinning sheepishly Kisame rubbed the back of his neck still walking up to you. "Well I think that's enough training for one day don't ya think?" Kisame grinned grabbing you by the scruff of your cloak hood. Kisame wasn't all bite like most people believed him be, he can be a real big softy when he wants. Oh, and the whole 'I'm a killer bloodthirsty demon' stick was your idea to keep others away from what was rightfully yours. Kisame isn't really dominated, he likes other to believe so but he's very submissive. That's one of the cute things you love about him. "Ya know Itachi was talking about a girl the other day, he was really boasting his ego." Kisame stated pouting at his battle partner's ego growing larger. "Well let's just fix that, Hm?" you purred whisking out of the males, grip and jumping on his back, biting his ear softly. "Y-yeah." Kisame stuttered, making you giggle. You will have fun tonight, that's for sure.

            A few hours later you and Kisame were watching a movie in his room, when you quickly reached up and bit his neck. Making him burst into a purple color, turning his head away his purple blush grew slightly. "Babe, you want to have some fun?" You whispered teasingly into his ear. Nodding his head Kisame kneeled pulling his clothing off. "Good boy." You smirked at his happy expression. Pulling a spiked collar, a leather harness and a few toys out from under his bed, you slowly hooked the collar around his neck then strapped the harness around his torso ending with holding down his crotch, preventing any movement from the lively limb. Lastly you pulled out a whip and cracked it against your leg making Kisame squirm. Motioning for him to stand Kisame did as told standing at his full height he easily towered over you. Hooking your thumb under the harness you slowly led him over to the bed and tied his wrists together above his head, finishing with strapping his ankles to the end posts. 

               Grinning Kisame waited for the punishment you were sure to give him for dumping you in that cold lake a few times. Coming out of the bathroom you came clicking out in a very sexy leather suit the whip curled in your hands nicely. "Hm what a bad boy you've been today?" you chirped, sliding the whip over his toned torso getting him to shiver at your touch. Kisame gave an animalistic growl, and barked giving you the queue he was fully submissive. Humming you suddenly cracked the whip startling Kisame, into jumping in his skin. "Hm, nope still needs some work. I bet I can fix that up real, good." You smirked placing the whip in your other hand you slowly let your free hand glide up and down his torso, stopping at his groin a few seconds longer to wiggle your delicate fingers against the pined muscle. You could feel his cock twitching under your fingers, grinning you slowly cupped the lump that had risen from a few seconds ago. "Hm. Getting better, now are we?" you mused holding the whip and slowly running it up and down the covered part. Kisame's low held back growls rumbled in his chest. He knew if he didn't do everything you said he would get nothing in return.

               Leaning down you trailed soft butterfly kisses on every inch of open skin you could find of the blue male, purposely ignoring his lower half. Holding back a growl Kisame felt his submissive part building up slowly at every teasing mark you made on his body. "Mistress, please." his rough voice made your body shutter in pleasure. "Hm fine but only to level one." You smirked releasing his legs, or better known as 'level one'. "Now be a good boy and play nice." You commanded making the male shiver and bark again. Humming slightly, you climbed on top of the male and grinned against his constricted parts making him purr in pleasure. "Level two can be released." You smirked unhooking the leather patch that held the happy muscle down. Bouncing up the appendage throbbed with lust and need, grasping the limb in your hand you slowly stroked it smirking when the attached hips twitched and tightened. "Well you've been a good boy, haven't you? I must give you a reward then." You sighed playfully spinning around and letting the large appendage be sucked into you folds easily. "Mmm~! Very good, my bad boy~" you purred giving Kisame the slowest thrust he's ever had.

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