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Laughter echoed through out the main base of the Akatsuki. Hidan had found his Scythe sticking out of a very pink Cake curtesy of you. Another reason why you are running around in nothing but a towel. You were in the process of a nice relaxing bubble bath when the sudden scream of anger had you dying of laughter. You knew Hidan had found your prank and everyone knew you were the only one brave enough to do anything to not only Pein himself but everyone else.

 Although the reason you did it to the Almighty Pein was something completely different. You and Pein had what many would call a Love-Hate relationship. Acting like you hated each other infront of everyone else but you were 'verrry' loving behind closed doors.

Dashing past Pein's main work room, you just had to trip on one of the many damn rocks hidden amongst the hideout. Faceplanting right though the door with your rear-end sticking up. Groaning you sat up and rubbed your nose, Hidan fast on your heels saw you bash your face in the door and laughed at his revenge. Although he himself wasn't going to be doing it he knew you were in for some deep shit.

 Your towel was riding up your thighs due to your sitting position. A cough made your face burst into flames before you snapped you head up, staring straight into purple ringed eyes. "Ehhehe uhh Hiya pein~ what brings you to this part of the...base?" his deadpanned look had you sweating. "My work." Was his blunt reply. You knew you were fucked. And you knew just when it would happen. "Oh, Ah that's right....Work....I'm, ima just...Go? Yeah ima just go! BAII!!" You hurriedly dashed out the door leaving it with a human hole and right back into the bathtub to finish cleaning up. Now for different reasons.

Later that night you retired to your bedroom and had grabbed a dark novel to make you sleepy. This always worked when your mind wouldn't quiet down. When your eyelids started to droop you set the book aside, flicked off the light and pulled the covers over you for a good sleep.

That sleep didn't last long.

 Pein, after finishing his work well around 3 am decided you needed some 'company'. Standing he shrugged his uniform cloak off and hung it over his shoulder before transporting right to the side of your bed. Throwing the cloak over the chair at the far right of the room, he slinked up onto the bed and hovered over your peaceful form. He stayed in that position and watched you for a few minutes basking in your beauty before pouncing.

 His lips danced across your neck causing you to hum in your sleep. Finding the place, you hummed the most he bit down softly earning a deeper moan. His normally blank face broke out into a confident smirk. Now he was getting the reaction he wanted. He trailed further up to your ear and nibbled just enough that your stomach and neck shivered. Still in a deep sleep your body shook, you were extremely honest when asleep or still waking up. You didn't fight or deny any form of attachment.

 Shifting his body lower on the bed he grabbed your thighs and kissed the under part of your knees, all the while keeping his eyes on your face. You finally groaned and opened your eyes, blinking a few times to clear out the blur. Realizing the heat lingering at your lower body, you sluggishly sat up and gave the man a gentle smile. He wasn't given the ability to see this side of you at any point other than late at night or early in the morning. Leaning his cheek against your lower thigh, he returned the soft smile before reaching up to kiss your neck. "Mm did I wake you?" his arrogant smirk played against him. "Just a bit. Although the kissing and grunting you were making helped as well." That was one thing he could never stop. Taking in your intoxicating sent always drove him crazy. Huffing he stopped kissing your neck and moved to your ear and bit down harshly, earning a sudden whimper from you. He also knew your weaknesses. And he uses the often.

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