I've talked a bit about my problems with LGBT community already. I always limited myself to my opinion though so I wouldn't really offend anyone. But fuck it. I need to talk about this shit. I'm about to get a bit political.
I am fucking sick and tired of this community. Yeah I want to be able to date a girl or a guy and not be seen as weird as much as the next guy but there's equality and there are extremes.
They fucking wonder why people hate them when they're doing such bigoted shit and making the problem worse. They're doing what they want all wrong. You don't just force a society to randomly change. That will never happen all of a sudden. That's why the best representations of LGBT are subtle and treat the stuff like it's any other relationship or thing to be.
But nope, if you say some goddamn criticism about what they're doing, they will scream at bitch at you with what they call logic. And some of it is logic. About half of it is. Then the rest is just absurd to the point where I question if they even know what reality is.
Okay I'm gonna say this now. I believe that they are only two genders. If you are non-binary or genderqueer or agender or whatever the fuck. I think that's fine. It's your choice and it doesn't affect me all that much. When my parents ask me about my friends being trans and how it affects me, I just tell them that it's what they want and that's fine.
Good for you if you identify as something different. I don't care just tell me so I won't offend you. But I have my limits. I'm fine with the pronouns of he/him, she/her, and they/them pronouns, anything else is pretty goddamn stupid. I would actually think you're joking because it's actually absurd what people come up with pronouns.
Even though, I think there's only two genders, I'm fine with what you are if you're not either of the two. You do you. I say that twice because someone will get offended, I swear.
My opinions of sexuality are similar. I agree with heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, and pansexuality. I am pansexual actually. I don't really give a shit about gender. I also have a bit of shaky belief of demisexuality but whatever. I'm harder on sexuality than on gender because how can you tell me that you're abrosexual, autosexual (which is basically vanity/egotism), borea, cetero, Iculasexual (I though asexuality meant that you don't like sex in anyway), multisexual, and other crazy shit. Gender is weirder than sexuality alright. It's a more debatable subject. Sexuality, however, is not.
For both though, getting to the point where it's absurd what they label themselves as. Can you really tell me with a straight face being super serious that someone can be colorgender? Can you tell me that someone can be cetero? It sounds stupid, right?
If you said no, you are the problem! You need to realize that this doesn't even make logical sense. You need to understand that making up a bunch of shit makes it harder for, not only the rest of the world, but for you too.
The community gets even worse when people oppose them. They don't constructively debate or anything, no, they bitch about it and label the shit out of you calling you a homophobic, transphobic piece of shit. It's ridiculous, immature, and fucking ignorant. They rant of how ignorant people are and in a hypocritical fashion are ignorant.
They're ignorance is actually a problem with how they want to teach the world about themselves. They ignore the fact that subtlety works best, and confuse the hell out of everyone by dumping a fuck ton of information and never explaining it. There are channels on youtube that is supposed to teach kids about being trans and it does it horribly by saying that gender doesn't matter. When, in this world where the community takes up like around 5% of the world or something, it kind of does.
I remember seeing this video about a lesbian couple who have a kid who is a boy and they dress him up in both girls and boys clothing. The kid clearly doesn't like wearing dresses and so they force to wear it. Not only are they confusing the kid more, but it could fuck him up mentally.
What I'm saying as a while is that the LGBT community has to figure out what logic is and not go to such fantasies that don't make any sense.
But let me tell you this now, I may hold this opinion, but I am tolerant. I may not agree with you but it's what you choose to be and so be it. I don't judge people based off of that. But you're going to be an ignorant little shit and call me things that I'm not then I have reason to hate you.
I can have a goddamn opinion and so can you. That's fine.
The LGBT community seems to lack understanding of that. Which is my biggest problem with it.