Chapter 10:Silent Treatment

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Summers POV
It has been a few weeks with me not talking to Freddy and I feel really bad because every time he tries to talk to me I ignore him

As summer and Tomika walked into school, Tomika had to pop the question

"Why are you not talking to Freddy?" Asked Tomika

"I don't know, I just saw him with kale a few weeks ago and....I don't know all I just know is that he cares for kale and not me." Summer said then Freddy walked over

"Hey summer why didn't you answer my text messages?" Asked Freddy

"Oh I didn't know I got a text message." Summer said sarcastically and walking away then Freddy turned to Tomika

"Why is Summer giving me the silent treatment?" Freddy asked

"Maybe because he saw you and kale talking the other day." Tomika said

"Why is she not talking to me about that?"

"She thinks you don't like her." Said Tomika then she walked away

As lunch has approached summer and Tomika walked to there usual table until Freddy came over

"Hey sums her Tomika." Said Freddy

"Hi Freddy." Said summer

"I'll leave you two alone." Said Tomika then she left

"Summer why are you giving me the silent treatment?" Asked Freddy

"I don't know maybe because your cheating on me with kale." Said summer then Freddy laughed

"Wait you think me and kale are back together?"

"Yea why?" Asked summer

"We are not dating, she invited me to a nature walk to help raise money for the endangered rabbits," said Freddy


"Yea, summer I am not cheating on you." Freddy said

"Oh ok, maybe I got mad for nothing." Summer said as she laughed then Freddy chuckled

"Summer, I wouldn't replace you with anyone, and you have got to believe me." Said Freddy

"Ok well wand to go out for ice cream after school?" Asked summer then Freddy laughed

"Sure." Said Freddy then he left and summer smiled and sighed

Hey guys so I thought I would give you an update, and I have came up with a writing schedule so here it is

------writing schedule------
Monday's:Cyd and Naldo
Tuesday's: Fremmer books
Thursday's: Peter Pan

So yea that's my writing schedule so yea bye

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