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I returned from school to complete my packing as I was leaving today, I had heard rumors of some wolf sightings in the forest not too far from where I lived, I was hoping it was a pack as wolf aren't solitary animals and I or rather my wolf has been craving a run which I'll admit is a little long overdue.

I returned the keys to the landlady as soon as I was done gathering my merger belongings and proceeded to walk towards the forest.

Stripping behind a tree I changed forms and travelled under the cover of night, about an hour later, I began to feel the sensation of someone/s following me.

I increased in pace and attempted to throw the rogue of my trail but it seemed to have locked on to me somehow as it kept following no matter my maneuvers, luckily it was already quite dark so my wolf's peculiarity wasn't so obvious and I was slightly able to blend into the surroundings.

Still trying to outrun it there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere and I was pummeled into from the side, apparently the rogue had companions, losing my bags in the process I turned to fight, using my superior flexibility and sharp claws to engage the new rogue I was totally blindsided and received an attack from the rogue previously following me which left a very deep gash that was bleeding quite profusely.

My healing wasn't kicking in because I hadn't had enough to eat over the past few weeks (not that I couldn't really afford thee food per say more like eating felt like a chore and "savings" was just my go to excuse for not eating).

The blood kept pouring causing me to feel quite dizzy and the attacks where not stopping, kinda like they just wanted to leave me dead in mangled flesh and I was seriously starting to feel like last night barbeque up for grabs.

Luckily enough for me I scented out the pack territory I planned on visiting not too far from where I was, the only problem was running towards it while bleeding and fighting at the same time, as I was about to give up, I heard noises from the pack lands which also succeeded in distracting the rogues for a little while.

I hurriedly used my last burst of strength and flung myself across the pack borders and away from the rogues who had resumed pursuit as soon as I ran.

I narrowly escaped and landed rather harshly in the pack territory, the ground was quite uneven and I was sure I felt some stones, the border patrol members quickly reversed the situation, tearing the rogues apart within minutes, though you could say I kinda helped cause the rouges were already worn out from fighting me.

The wolves from border patrol changed forms back to human and got dressed, they were four altogether all looking sun-kissed and quite hot, the supposed leader shrugged off his jacket and tossed it towards me as I was well without clothes.

He ordered me to shift before his eyes glazed over, a sign that he was mind linking with someone, I took the long jacket and went to the back a nicely large tree to change, once changed I felt the overall effect of my injuries starting to fully show as the adrenaline had finally worn off.

walking back to the guy who was done mind linking, I felt huge stabs of pain all over but tried to stifle my groans when I felt the eyes of the pack members turn towards me, the supposed superior introduced himself has the beta of the pack, which I now knew was called the Crescent Moon pack.

We were patrolling when we smelt blood and I decided we should intervene.spoke Dalton has he walked closer to where I was standing, towering over my quite petite frame, he stretched out his arm to shake mine. By the way I am Dalton, he smiled and you are?

Oh, I am Iris, apologies for the disturbance and thanks for saving me.

Its no problem and the Alpha would like to have a word with you

That's fine with me, lead the way please, of course he responded and turned to signal to the others to continue with the patrol while he took me to their pack house.

As we were walking I felt the blood flow from my injuries increase, the weakness I was feeling was becoming overbearing while the dizziness intensified, I had managed to stave off the impending black out till we got close to the pack.

I slowly felt the world shift out of focus while I got closer to the ground once more but before I could fully succumb to the darkness I heard one of the sexiest voices mutter and utterly crazy word "mate".

And with that I was out cold.

  hopefully you liked this one, I am trying to add more depth and creativity with each action. Pardon the once again short chapter, for suggestions please comment and please vote.
Lots of love💋💓😘

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