Hairstyles can really change someone

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Ok so I know it has been a while but I did some soul searching and I think I have a plan for this story. Just tell me how it goes.

                Hannah and Andy were driving around town with Andy at the wheel. “Andy, tell me something.” Hannah asked leaning back in her seat with her feet hanging out the window. “Yes my dear?” “How in the hell did I let you drive my Baby?” Andy laughed and said, “Well, you were looking for something when we were back at the house so I took the keys and slid into the driver’s seat.” Andy gave her a very toothy smile. Hannah raised her eyebrow at him and gave him a half smile. Evil glittered in her eyes as she shrugged and fell back against her seat. They sat in silence and soon Hannah closed her eyes, soaking in the UV rays.

Their last days of school were coming up fast and so was Hannah’s birthday.  Nikki and the gang, minus Hannah, planned an entire day while taking turns distracting Hannah. Hannah, being totally clueless and slow, didn’t catch on to anything.

It was Andy’s turn to distract Hannah so he took her out and they have been driving ever since. Hannah flinched in her seat. She kept moving, trying to find a comfy spot but it just wasn’t happening. Hannah looked over at Andy and pouted. Andy smiled and petted her on the head. She scowled at him and he laughed. “The next person, who pets me, loses their hand.” Hannah scolded. She went back to pouty and Andy sighed. “Can we do something?” Andy laughed “I’m valuing the moments that I’m driving this car. This might be the last time I ever drive this thing.” Hannah laughed and said “You are very correct. Value these moments.” They sat in silence for a couple seconds when Hannah shouted “OK moment’s over! Let’s go shopping!” Andy winked at her and headed to the nearest mall.

Hannah was in one of her good moods so she knew this day would be good. Hannah dragged Andy around and jumped on his back. “Ride my tattooed steed! Hot Topic awaits us!” People gave them annoyed looks as they raced through the mall looking for their favourite store.  Andy took Hannah over to the shirts and held her on his back as she looked. “Side step!” She ordered. Andy laughed and side stepped to the right. She grabbed a shirt and draped it over his head.  “Hey!” Andy yelled jokingly. “Shush.” Hannah said looking around and petted him on the head.

As they walked around the store Hannah continued to give Andy directions and asked him if he wanted anything. Andy walked over the men’s side and looked around through the pile of clothes on top his head. He asked Hannah to grab a couple Asking Alexandria and D.R.U.G.S. t-shirts and a couple belts. She finally came down as they stopped at the cash register. She cash chick looked at them with the biggest smile. Hannah saw something she wanted and went to grab it as the chick scanned their items. “Your girlfriend?” The chick asked. Andy sadly shook his head and watched Hannah look for something. The chick leaned over the counter and said “Hannah and I went to school since we were five years old until I moved here a couple years ago.” Andy looked at her with wide eyes full of interest. She continued, keeping an eye on Hannah “she’s a good girl and you two act like you’re dating. She has gone through heart break after heart break and it would be a damn shame if you broke her. I can tell she’s getting better.” The chick stopped talking as Hannah approached the counter. Andy gave her a confused look as her last words went through his head.

Hannah looked at the girl and squealed. The few people that were in the store turned their heads as Hannah yelled “Emily?!” The cash chick smiled and nodded and walked around the counter to see her friend. They embraced and jumped on the spot like two fangirls seeing their idols. Hannah and Emily got chatting as Emily finished scanning the items and as they left Emily gave Andy one last look that seemed to say ‘Do something before it’s too late.’ Andy nodded at her and they walked out of the store and went to the food court.

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