New Meister!? Part 2

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Remember when it was stuck it Italics...ya so I DO NOT OWN SOUL EATER!!!!!!! have fun reading :3

Caleb Pov

Luna eyes were closed and her face was buried in my back "No!" she shouted

"Try opening your eyes" I shouted turning after Soul

"Your crazy!"

"As your new Meister a command you to open you're eyes" I commanded

"It's not official yet!"

"You mean you don't like me?" I asked in fake hurt

"Yes but isn't there some kind of contract or something?"

"I don't think so oh... I lost Soul"


"Where's your apartment?"

"Take a left other there" Luna said pointing opening her eyes

"You opened your eyes" I said smirking

"Ok ok you got me"

"Yes I di-" I was about to say but Luna cut me off

"STOP HERE!" She shouted again not very loud

I slammed on a breaks and went into a parking space got off and grabbed our bags but then to remember that this wasn't my old apartment and I didn't have a key (do motor cycles have breaks?)

"I don't know how to get off this thing!" Luna said panic in her voice

"It's like a horse just bring one leg over the other" I said walking back to her

"What's a horse?" Luna asked dumbfounded

"You don't know what a horse is?" I asked

"No I don't" Luna said

"Ok I'm am taking you to a zoo" I said and guided Luna off the seat

"When will that be?" Luna asked brushing herself off "and do we have to take the motorcycle?"

"Soon and yes"

"How soon?"


"Ok" Luna sighed "let's go inside I'm hungry"

Walking into room 120 Luna turned on the light threw her backpack on the couch and went into the kitchen so confused I did the same

"Chicken or beef?" Luna asked holding up ramen noodles

"I thought you didn't eat meat?" I asked "...chicken"

"It's meat floored powder there's difference" Luna said putting out noodles in water filled bowls for her and in the microwave

"I'm gonna give myself a tour of the apartment" I said walking away with a 3 minuet time limit

"There wasn't any decorations which made it kinda a creepy but I'm going to fix that soon. Anyway walking down the hall way there was the doors that probably the bed rooms and the a bathroom at the end

"Are we sharing a bathroom" I asked

"Ya hope you don't mind" Luna said back

"No it's fine" I replied and went into the room on the right that was a complete mess wrappers bed unmade and pieces off paper all over

"Must have been night shadows" I muttered to myself and then looked Ito the left I was almost blinded everything was white bed was made not a personal thing in sight not stains crees or bump

"Ramen noodles are done!" Luna exclaimed

I went back to the kitchen taking a quick glance at the living room which was also a huge mess you barely see the coffee table

"Ya sorry about that I'll clean it up later" Luna said placing our food and silver wear on the table

"No we will both clean the living room I will my new room we are sharing an apartment now after all" I said and took a bite of the noodles

Time skip

After an hour of trying to even comprehend the smell of the living room the started to clean up Luna and I both wearing thick gardening gloving and bandanas over our mouth and nose

"Not even I can live like this" I said throwing and pizza box into the garbage bag Luna was holding

"Hope so" Luna said turning picking up a shirt that was somehow moldy "oh and if you see a a journal or some kind of note book anything like that don't through it away"

"Why?" I asked

"It's important to me and Jacob took it away" Luna explained

"Oh ok" I said a little disappointed the she doesn't trust me

Time skip

After hours of cleaning up all off the clothes, wrappers and death the living room looked kind of nice except for stains and smell but sadly we hadn't found Luna's notebook so it must be in Jacobs room. I is what I said it was really behind my back

"I'm going to take a shower" Luna said awkwardly and ran into her room

"Ok?" I said and sat on the coach to watch tv


After only 5 minuets Luna was out of the bath room and quickly went to her room

'My turn' I thought turning off the tv and heading for the bath room

Maka Pov

"What do you think of Luna and Caleb?" I asked as Soul and I did the dishes

"Caleb's cool I'm not so sure about Luna she's so secretive" Soul said drying a plate and putting into the cupboard

"Of corse you think Caleb's cool you both have motorcycles" I said handing a soapy bowl to Soul

"What is that supposed to mean?" Soul asked defensively

"Your a guy" I said "Guys like moter cycles"

"I don't need some flat chested girl to me me what I like" Soul grumbled

"MAKA CHOP!" I shouted hitting with a book about Death Synths

"Ooww I was kidding" soul said from the ground a fountain of blood coming from his head

Hi hope you like the chapter if there's anything you want me to fix or add just tell me and I will do that. Next chapter Luna and Caleb are going to the zoo :3

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