Chapter 7

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The truth is, I didn't know how to do it. What procedure to follow. I was completely and utterly lost. I should have given it a thought before embarking myself in such thing.

It's been already a week and December has enrolled. I knew I should contact him as soon as possible, afraid to lose everything that I had achieved so far. That means the fact that I got his approval.

I was pacing around the room, thinking.
I had some errands to run today, and they are hardly fun. Some company wouldn't do any harm,right? Plus, if they were to be some awkward silence, at least I would be occupied on finishing the task at hand.

I settled on texting him now.

Danielle: hey, it's Daniella.
Danielle: join me in my errands run ?

Crossing my fingers I kept staring intently at my phone waiting for his reply to pop up at the top of my screen. A couple of minutes passed until he texted back.

Owen don'tknowhislastnameyet: how did you get my number?

Of course, I thought.

Danielle: one never reveals his sources.

Seeing no response, I double texted.

Danielle: so? We'll start by the bookstore!

I waited for 20 Minutes, but nothing came. Sighing I grabbed my keys and got into my car. The radio chirped up and I jumped in my seat. I lowered the volume and made my way to the post.

Maybe I should've addressed him in another way, or another day, or not at all. I raised my shoulders and focused on the road ahead.

At the bookstore I was going to buy Christmas cards. Even though some may think it's too early to get them, I liked to give myself some time to think of what to write and how I would decorate the inside.

My parents are the one who send customized Christmas cards with family pictures.Me,I buy them ready and focus on personalizing the inside. I would make cards for every occasions. It was my thing.

Once there, I chose 6 cards , for my mom, my dad, my brother, one for my grandparents from each side of the family and for Sara. I grabbed a 7th just in case.

"I'd choose this one, if I were you."A familiar voice rose from behind me.

I turned quickly, and looked at him in surprise. He came. He was here and I couldn't believe it. I immediately grabbed my phone, checking for any kind of confirmation from him but I found none.

Surprise turned to confusion.

Seeing as I was still staring at him intently he said defensively"What? You invited me."

"Yes, yes. I did" i answered pointing at him. I exchanged my 7th card with the one he was still holding. I shook it in front of him as a thank you and made my way deeper into the bookstore signaling for him to follow me.

I was giving myself some time to recover from the surprise as I searched for some pen. I didn't have anything in my mind yet, so I grabbed everything from matte colorful ones to glittery ones.

Picking up on what I was searching for he handed me some items, and i quote "that would do the job".

Fearing to not being able to speak properly I kept silent until it was getting heavy and awkward.

"So Owen, can I ask you a few basic question? For the getting to know you thing." I asked as we made our way to the cashier.


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